Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Last 2 Year Celebration...

We were in Pewaukee this weekend to celebrate Rowan's 2nd birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Knutson, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mitchell! It sure was a fun filled Saturday. Rowan went strong for so many hours, she didn't sleep much Saturday night! More on that later.
Luckily the cloudy weather that we drove through on our way into town cleared out nicely just before lunchtime, so we were able to do lots of play activities outside! She played with bubbles, chalk, balls, washers, and of course the pool!
And it wouldn't be a birthday celebration without presents and cake! Rowan got many wonderful gifts to add to her 2nd birthday collection! Super spoiled she is. She was still overly interested in the cards. Good thing, because these cards even came with gifts inside! Rowan got a tricycle, and she loves the 'trunk'. She was pushing Elmo around in the trunk, she has done more pushing of the bike so far than riding. But she does attempt to put her feet on the pedals sometimes! She will learn!
Then there was our favorite cake! Ice Cream Cake with Disney Princesses! Perfect for our tiara theme this year! She did pretty good with blowing out the candles too!
Great Grandma Simonson joined us for the party too! We managed to get a few group pictures while we were all together! After dinner and cake, we had a bonfire with s'mores! Delightful! It was my first bonfire of the summer. Kurt, CJ, and Dan joined us for some bonfire fun as well. Then when Rowan decided after 2 hours of sleeping that it was time to get up, I headed to bed to try to put a kabosh on that idea.
So after Rowan's busy day of playing and swimming, she managed to sleep a total of about 7 hours. She only napped for 50 minutes, and that was with Amanda and I napping with her. And then, she slept from 9-11pm, and 4-8am. She kept tossing and turning and going from the pack n play to the bed from 12-4am. It was brutal. Not sure why she couldn't fall asleep. I guess over tired! Needless to say, she napped and hour on the way home, and then we all took a 2.5 hour nap after lunch as well. It was much needed for all of us to catch up after our interupted nights sleep and busy Saturday!


Lisa said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun :) It was nice to see you briefly Saturday morning :)

Nicole said...

Looks like the princess had a fabulous 2nd birthday! Glad you had nice weather to celebrate again!

Cora said...

Holy parties batman! Watch out, she's going to think that she gets all of those parties every year!

Katie said...

Rowan is one lucky little girl! I just love all of your pictures!