Monday, July 19, 2010

Allergy Alert...

Rowan officially has an the Penicillin family!

Sunday morning we noticed a few red marks on Rowan's arms, and thought they were bug bites. But by the evening they had multiplied and were all over her body. Rowan has been on Amoxicillin since last Tuesday, and this is her 3rd time being on the antibiotic in her life. I had also given her Benadryl Sunday morning because she has an old mosquito bite on her left ankle that she has recurrently scratched open and is therefore swollen and red with a rash as well. This was present last week too, but looked worse on Sunday.

So Ed and I were going back and forth on what it could be before I headed to work on Sunday, and since she was supposed to go to daycare on Monday, we decided we would probably have to take her to the MD this morning if they weren't better in the morning. And of course they were way worse. So off to the doctor we went, as a family this morning. And sure enough, hives they are. And the are assuming it is the Amoxicillin that caused them. So we stopped that today, and she is now taking Zithromax for 5 days (because we were only on day 6 of the Amoxicillin for her ear infection), and we are also taking Prednisone (a steroid) for not only the hives, but her foot as well. We are assuming her foot isn't infected because it isn't hurting her at all, but it looks pretty nasty sometime, swollen, rashy, discolored around the bite site, but the bite is pretty much healed. Therefore, she was off to daycare after the MD appointment since we weren't dealing with anything contagious, and I headed home to sleep and Ed off to work!

When I picked Rowan up from daycare, the hives seemed worse. And we were warned that they will come and go. But tonight during bath, they seem to be fading. So we will see how long it takes for her to be 'spot' free. Ed has been calling her Spotty all day!

Excuse the naked pictures, but I needed some documentation of the hives, and she wasn't very cooperative when I was trying to take pics!


Lisa said...

Poor Row Row! That looks horrible :(

Cora said...

Oh honey. I know exactly how that feels, and it isn't fun. Enjoy the steroids though...they always make 'em a little bit crazy!

Nicole said...

Poor girl! Hope the steroids kick in quickly!