Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a nice weekend...

This was quite a nice weekend, both weather wise and laid back! I worked thursday and friday night, so of course I spent a few hours saturday sleeping. But we spent the afternoon grocery shopping (Rowan sat in the shopping cart for the first time, with her cart cover of course), cleaning the house a bit, and relaxing. We went for a walk after dinner last night, then Rowan had a bath and went to bed. She used her stroller without the carseat for the first time. She did fine, she couldn't really move because she had her fleece one piece suit on (that she usually wears to Ed's hockey games), so she couldn't move much, it is a bit small, but since Spring is almost here there is no use buying a new one for this season.

Then today, Ed worked at Menards this morning. Then we ran a few errands this afternoon, went out for a late lunch, then relaxed. We didn't go for a walk because Ed didn't want to over-exert himself before his playoff game tonight. If they lose, it is his last game of this winter session. So we took Gizmo out to run a few minutes tonight and took a few pictures outside. Rowan is taking a short nap now (supposed to be bedtime) and then I am going to transfer her to her carseat and head to Ed's game. He doesn't think we are coming, but he always gives me guilt trips about not coming. And I would feel bad if it is his last game and no one is there.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

hey, what a cute sweatshirt ;)