Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stroller Lover...

Because the weather has been so nice this week, we have used Rowan's stroller a lot, and without the carseat. She seems to love it. She has done very well in it. Especially when you put snacks in the tray, she just grabs them and munches away!

Yesterday we even went to the museum. Ed and I wanted to see the Titanic exhibit, so we went a little before our scheduled time so we could walk around the rest of the museum and get our moneys worth. I don't remember the museum being so boring, I guess back when we went in school it was a day out of school, so it was great. All in all, the Titanic was very interesting and educational, but probably not worth the money. But it was an afternoon out of the house, and Rowan was a very good little girl. Definitely not worth only 3 hours of sleep after working the night before, but oh well. Can't let life just pass us by sleeping, right?

Enjoy the photos from earlier this week, Rowan, Gizmo and I went for a walk and hung out outside a bit!
We are having hat issues already this spring. All the 6-12 month hats are too big and she can't see anything, but this hat that is 3-6 months is too small, it worked for the day though!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Amelia now walks up to the computer and says, "I see baby Rowdan?" It's really pretty funny.

Here is her opinion on bald babies and hats:
uklifkj y uu uvffui,,,jsgy-[oo0ya

Could you maybe shrink the too big hats in the washer & dryer?