Tuesday, March 10, 2009

8 Months Old...

Where has 8 Months gone???

I am not sure...but boy has she kept us busy and on our toes. Rowan is turning into such a little person. If you have kept up with the postings, you know that she is doing just about everything, except walking (thank god).

She hasn't been quite herself the past week, not sure if it is because of her moving around more, or perhaps some teeth might be on the way, plus Ed and I have had colds, so she might have caught a little something. But her eating and sleeping haven't been very stellar! But we deal with it, and life goes on!

You can tell our obsession with bows hasn't stopped. I have decided it isn't just bows, it is head gear that I am obsessed with. Everytime I am shopping I find myself looking at the hats, bows, or whatever else you can put on a beautiful girl without hair. Although, her hair is growing! I swear!

Sorry for all the pictures that are very similar, I couldn't decide which ones to post. They are all so cute!

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