Saturday, January 10, 2009

6 Months Old...

Hard to believe....6 Months Old already...

It feels like just last week we were leaving the hospital to bring this little bundle of joy home with us. Now we don't know where the time has gone.

July 10, 2008

January 10, 2009

Rowan doesn't go to the doctor for her 6 month check-up until the 22nd of January, so we will have weight and height statistics then.

What is she doing now?
I have done a decent job updating on Rowan's progress, but here is a mini recap:

*She rolls from her front to back; but not from her back to front yet. She gets on her side and looks above her head, but just hasn't gotten all the way over yet.
*She isn't to the point of sitting up yet. She does fine between my legs, or with the boppy around her, but not without support.
*She gets up on all 4's frequently, and rocks too. Perhaps she is going to pass the sitting and rolling over, and go right to crawling! She can learn the rest later on.
*She eats rice and some fruit/veg for breakfast and dinner, and has 3-4 bottles throughout the day. Generally 7 oz. bottles.
*She is still currently on soy formula, we will cover that issue with the pediatrician this month, he had mentioned trying regular formula again at 6 months, we will see.
*She can be very talkative, even screams! No words yet though.
*Blows bubbles
*Spits up a bunch! Thought, or maybe hoped, it would get better when we started solids, not so much!
*Generally sleeps through the night, about 7pm until anywhere between 5 and 8 am. But tends to wake up several times for her pacifier during the night. She hasn't been able to find it and replace it herself, perhaps because she is swaddled still! She can put the pacifier in on her own during the day though while awake!
*She is just like her dad, a busy body! Always doing something. Only sits still when it is time for bed or a nap!
*She has started jumping in the jumperoo in the last week or two. Trying to get it on video, unsuccessful so far!
*She giggles up a storm now too, mostly at Gizmo (her best buddy, she could stare at him all day long!)
*Rowan's one downfall: she needs to learn how to nap. She still cat naps, 30-40 minutes several times a day, and generally fights it everytime! Therefore there is no schedule during the day. So we are working on that!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Those pictures of her in the hat are absolutely adorable!