Friday, January 23, 2009

Bully Breyson comes to visit...

Okay, he really isn't a bully, but he just loves to grab Rowan's face and clothes and hand, you name it, he gets his hands on it. And Rowan just sits back and takes it, not once did she cry or anything! Obviously we don't let him hurt her, but she would actually laugh sometimes.

We met Andrea and Breyson for lunch today and then they came over to play and take some photos. It is nearly impossible to get pictures of them together because they don't sit still. Mostly Breyson, he is all over the place. I can't wait until Rowan can give him a run for his money. She will be able to run away from him at some point!
We thought this was a cute idea, but Breyson kept trying to escape, so we didn't get any good pictures in the buckets! Awwww.....

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