Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treating...

We took Rowan to her grandparents houses that live in town to trick or treat tonight. We did that before our trick or treating started in our neighborhood. She only had her costume on briefly since it was still pretty warm out. But she had her halloween outfit on underneath! Despite not having a pumpkin to put her goodies in, Rowan made out pretty well!
Can you tell she was a bit tired by the time we were done! She had a long day, without any real long naps, hopefully she sleeps good tonight!

Rowan's 1st Halloween Party...

Rowan and I attended her first Halloween party aka Kamp. Several of the ladies that I work with get together with their children about once a month for Kids Camp (Kamp). Us adults have monthly Camps (cocktails and mingling party) and the K-Kamps are for children. So anyway, today was Halloween Kamp held at Lisa's House. In the past I haven't gone to these gatherings because I didn't have a child obviously, so this was the first one that Rowan and I attended.

Not everyone that usually attends was present today due to illnesses or losses in the family, so it wasn't as chaotic as they usually are I was told. I can only imagine what they are normally like then, because there was enough chaos for me today. I am so not ready for Rowan to grow up, seeing the girls running around and screaming, and not sharing, and pushing others, yikes, I will take the mid-night feedings and short naps over that right now. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun time, but definitely eye opening. Just glad I only had to deal with Rowan who doesn't run or yell or talk back, yet that is!

So anyway, here are a few pictures of the fun things we did at Lisa's house and some of the kids too. The weather was gorgeous today so we were even able to go play outside as well as inside!

All the kids!

Rowan played in the ball pit, okay she really just posed for a picture!

Rowan and Hadley, the two youngest girls! They were both ladybugs too.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

16 Weeks Old...

Excuse the neutral outfit, we are lacking in girly clothes right now. Rowan needs to start wearing 3-6 month clothing before we will have more pink/purple attire. She is almost there, 0-3 month stuff is starting to get a little snug, but 3-6 months seems to be a bit big. So we are sort of stuck in the middle. But the hat makes the outfit that much more cute, we didn't have a bow to match this outfit, sorry!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cutie on a Tuesday...

Had to share the super cute outfit today...

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Turtle and The Ladybug...

We had Andrea and Breyson over for lunch today, so we had to get a few pictures of the babies in their halloween costumes. Again, it was difficult to get them both happy at the same time. Therefore, Rowan isn't exactly smiling in the pictures because she was ready for a nap. I will have another photo session with her later in the week and try to get a few smiles from her!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

1st Pumpkin Carving

We managed to fit pumpkin carving in tonight before Rowan's bedtime!

Ed did most of the work, I got to clean it out (the worst part, so of course Ed passed that off on me!) Although, I managed to do my part without bleeding, Ed on the other hand had the bandaids out within the first minute of cutting the top off, imagine that! Turns out Ed was using one of the carving utensils to cut the top off, and the blade busted and cut Ed's finger! So that is the real reason I got to clean it out, he needed to change his bandaid already!

It was smooth sailing from there. Here are some pictures of her first pumpkin carving experience!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

15 Weeks Old...

...just another week! Still cute as can be. Sporting a new bow, tried to get some photos with her first was difficult to get her positioned near the pumpkin! We haven't carved the pumpkin yet, so there will be more pictures when we get that done. Hopefully this weekend!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gordy Howe Hat Trick...

Saturday night, Rowan and I attended another one of Ed's hockey games. This is actually the first one we have made it to since the fall/winter season has started. They have been too late for us. So we finally make it to a game, and I still didn't see any of his 'Gordy Howe hat trick'! I guess I was too busy looking at Rowan and making sure she was warm enough. Not to mention, we had a puck fly rather close to us into the stands. So I had to be on guard to protect her too.

Back to the 'Gordy Howe hat trick', like me, I am sure none of you know what that is! So....
In Hockey, a "Gordy Howe Hat Trick" is when a player scores a goal, has an assist, and a fight all during a game. Ed managed to achieve all of these things this game! He was pretty proud! And again, I didn't see one of them!
I only had the small camera, and the battery was dying, so I only got a couple of pictures.

Ed is the third from the right on the bench, taking a rest!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

14 Weeks Old..

Again...every week her pictures get better and better!

Since we didn't really have a new outfit to share this week, we have a new hair accessory to share! Perfect for the fall weather we are enjoying. I would have liked to get some pictures outside, but there aren't enough leaves on the ground yet, maybe next week if it isn't too cold.

News to add...
I guess we are really just adjusting to me being back to work. It hasn't been easy. Rowan is giving Ed a run for his money, which makes me feel guilty for leaving them, and that leads to conflict between Ed and I. But there aren't any options, we have bills to pay, so I have to work. Hopefully it will get easier, but I have a feeling that working night shift full time isn't going to make it any easier! I will just have to suck it up and deal with it, but it is an emotional subject for me! Sometimes I feel like I am still pregnant with all the emotions I have flowing, I think it truly is the love you have for your child!

So anyway, enough about me. Rowan for the most part is doing great! She has her moments of extreme temperment, but the smiles make you forget about those moments really quick.

There are a ton of pictures this week, we just got too many good ones, I couldn't choose which ones to post! So enjoy them all, more in the photo album!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lunch at Amy 'n Ella's

On Saturday, Rowan and I were invited to a luncheon with a few of my closest work friends and their children. We had a quaint lunch at Amy's house in Oconomowoc with us 'west siders' (meaning we all live out west of the hospital, therefore it is convenient for us all to get together). Creative Amy was at it again.
Amy dusted off her bouncy chair for Rowan to use, she needed to get it ready for Lily (sp? sorry Amy if is is wrong) anyway.
Then there is Ella, Amelia, Cora, Lisa and Maya.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Go Pack Go...

Rowan and Ed spent some quality time together this weekend since I had to work. So Sunday, Rowan was subjected to football all day long. Ed decided to try her out in her Packer attire. It is a little big right now (it's 3-6 months), but she does look darn cute in it. It didn't last long on her though, given the 80 degree day we had!We will get many more pictures of Rowan and the packer outfit as the season goes on and she grows into it a bit!

This picture isn't a good angle, it makes her look chubbier than she really is!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Newest Entertainment...

...other than her hands....

Rowan has started to spend some time in the Exersaucer! She doesn't last for real long periods of time yet...her feet don't touch the ground we put a blanket in the bottom so that they do touch...and she is just starting to grab and reach, so she plays with some of the toys but gets bored rather quickly, unless she can get them to her mouth!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch...

We went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday with Aaron, Andrea and Breyson. And boy were we over-dressed! It was only about 60 degrees when we left our house at 10:30am, but it was at least 75 degrees in Mukwonago! I had already taken the summer hats out of the diaper bag and replaced them with warmer hats, so the sun was beating down on all of us. But we survived and had a great time!
We decided to pick our own pumpkins instead of taking the easy way out! Given the temperatures we probably should have taken the easy way out.
Rowan went on her first hay ride too!! She fell asleep half way through it! I guess she wasn't too warm.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

13 Weeks Old...

The smiley girl at 13 Weeks...
Rowan is in 2 outfits for this weeks photo session because it took 2 different time slots in order to get her to smile. It usually takes both of us, it is hard to play and snap pictures at the same time! I need a remote!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maternity Leave is Over...

So, I headed back to work last night...

It was a bit rough to say the least. I lost it on my way to work, but pulled myself together before arriving to work. Then of course everyone was asking how I was handling it and were surprised there were no tears, so I almost lost it again, but I held it together.

The night was very long. I was very tired, since my bedtime has been 930-10pm for the last month at least. My back is killing me today, I haven't been on my feet for 12+ hours for 3 months. So I am feeling that today big time.

(Despite not wanting to leave my baby and dreading being back at work, it was great to catch up with a few of my closest work friends that were on last night. And I shared plenty of pictures of our happy little family and adorable baby girl!)

I called Ed around 9:45pm, and Rowan had just gone to bed. Which is a little later than usual, but not terrible. So I thought things would be fine for the two of them. Turns out the night was a bit rough for both of them. Rowan got up like 3-4 times through the night, so Ed got a run for his money. Perhaps he should have practiced this night time wakings before I went back to work. Oh well, I warned him. At least it can only be better.

I stayed up a bit with Rowan this morning when I got home, fed her and dressed her, and then headed to bed. I slept pretty well, got up at 1:45 pm. And by 3pm Rowan and I were napping together on the couch. Ed went and napped elsewhere, needless to say, we should all be caught up from our rough first nights.

Now it is time for bed, but I think I am all caught up with blogging!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mummy's Little Girl...

It isn't quite Halloween yet, but Rowan has been sporting some of the many Halloween inspired outfits and sleepers she has obtained from family and friends! We still have a couple to their will be more the halloween'll have to wait for Halloween for that one!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

26 Years...

It has been 26 years since the Brewers have been to the playoffs...1982...the year Ed and I were born...and 2008...the year Rowan was born!!

Here are Ed and Rowan watching Game 2 on television Friday night...
Thanks to my Dad and Julie, we were able to attend the playoff game on Saturday at Miller Park (the first playoff game ever played at Miller Park!) We showed up early to tailgate, the weather was wonderful, as well as the food! We were lucky enough to come out with a win after being down 2 games to the Phillies...the Brewers weren't so lucky on Sunday and lost...ending their playoff burst! Hopefully it isn't another 26 years until they see the playoffs least they made it further than the Cubs this year!!
Rowan didn't attend this game with us...Grama Bremberger came down to visit and watch her, they both had a blast!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Rowan and I took a trip to Mukwonago yesterday to visit with Andrea and Breyson. They get more and more fun to have together everytime. As long as they are both awake and happy at the same time. Yesterday we didn't have a very long period of that time, but we made the most of it. Breyson is now 18 weeks and Rowan 12 weeks, their size difference isn't as noticable now, unless you hold them!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

12 Weeks Old...

My how time flies...12 weeks old (3 months, sort of)!

There aren't really any major transformations to share this week. She is a very strong girl, if you hold her hands in front of her she tries to sit up. She doesn't have much of a head-lag any more, therefore she has done better in the bumbo chair, but not for extended periods of time. She isn't grabbing at things yet, so she gets bored in it. She puts her hands in her mouth whether she is hungry or not, which leads to much drooling.

No change in her sleep patterns. She naps 20-40 minutes a couple times a day, and for the most part only gets up once during the night. Occassionally more often, and can sleep through the night, once in a great while.

She is still in size 1 diapers, wearing 0-3 month clothing (but outgrowing 0-3 month sleepers fast, she is too long!) Doing fine on Similac Isomil, taking about 5 ounces/feeding.

She is sort of in the inbetween stage with toys. She doesn't really like to lay on her back to play anymore, but she can't reach to get toys when on her tummy or in her bouncy seat, so gets bored fast. She will swat at toys in her bouncy seat, but not really grab yet. And she isn't quite big enough for the jumperoo or exersaucer. Her feet don't touch the ground, and she doesn't really reach for the toys. So in the next month hopefully she will start to get more use out of them and have more fun! So we tend to be her form of entertainment these days.