Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring, Brewers, <100 days (26 weeks)

I guess it has been some time since I have posted anything, so this might be a long one.

First of all, we finally have some spring like weather to enjoy. This week I had Gizmo outside for awhile and he got some exercise running around the yard without snow finally. He had a major case of the zooms! I even got some action photos.
Ed and I attended Opening Day yesterday for the Brewers. It was a very long day. We left Pewaukee at 8am and we got home to our house at like 630pm last night. The day consisted of tailgating for 4 hours prior to the game, the actual game, post game tailgating, traffic the entire ride home despite sitting in the parking lot for quite some time, and then finally home to relax. It was a very nice day overall. In the morning it was a little brisk until the sun came out, then it was beautiful. I am suffering from either a little sunburn on the face, or possibly some wind burn. The Brewers won, so that made the game even more enjoyable. It was a fun day, but exhausting, we actually made it to bed at a reasonable time.
Baby news: We have made it to 26 weeks today!! Yahoooooo.... And I was looking at the ticker to the right and I can't believe the number is below 100 days now. I remember when I first put it on the blog and it was in the mid-200's. That makes me feel like the time has flown by, but then I think of the number of weeks I have left until July 12th, not so close! Oh well, I am trying to enjoy this exciting time in our lives and prepare for the road ahead. I have my first shower in a week so that is exciting. And now that the weather is starting to cooperate, I think the time will start to fly by. We have our next 4 week check up this week Wednesday, glucose test time too.

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