Monday, April 14, 2008

Shower #1 (27 2/7 weeks)

Another busy and exciting weekend to add to the list. On Saturday we had our last night of bowling! For myself, it was rather exciting, it is a long season, and since I had bowled maybe half the number of times as the rest of my team due to work conflicts, I was ready to be done. My partner and I took second place in our 9 pin tap fun night, so we did well.

Then on Sunday, we had our first baby shower!! I felt like a 5 year old on Christmas morning. I was awake at 6am, finally got out of bed at 7am since going back to sleep wasn't happening. Cleaned our house for like 2.5 hours (it was way overdue), jumped on the elliptical and then showered and got ready for the shower. At least I was busy and not sitting around waiting for 1pm to arrive. But then when all was said and done I was exhausted. But it was worth it.

So here are the details:

The shower was at my Aunt Karen's house in Pewaukee. It was put on by Karen, my mom and Vicki (so it was Blodgett's and Bremberger's and a few friends too). They did a wonderful job. There was tons of food of course. Plenty of tasty desserts, and of course lots of presents from many wonderful family and friends. And I have to mention one of the games we played. They put a candy bar in a diaper and microwaved it so we had to guess what kind of "poop" was in the diaper or the type of candy bar. I was terrible, but Jennie won her first game ever at any shower! I cheated off the wrong friends and got a 50%, not good. Oh well!!

Here is the diaper cake made by Karen (or her lovely co-workers! She didn't take all the credit.)

The Cake!

Desiree was home for a funeral and found time to come spend with the ladies and attend the shower, so that was exciting. I haven't seen her in forever it feels like. So us ladies got to catch up a bit. A few women from WI Dells made the trip down, that was very nice of them to join us despite the travelling. My Grandma and Grandpa came down for the shower as well. So we got to see many people we don't see too often anymore.
This picture is more to show an update of the ever expanding belly! Baby is definitely growing!

Jennie, Crystal, Andrea (due in 4 weeks!!), Me, and Desiree!
I can't even start to list all of the wonderful gifts we received. Ed came later in the shower to eat and visit a little bit, but he didn't see everything I opened. So when we got home and unloaded the car, he went through everything to see what we all got. I wasn't allowed to touch anything until he saw it. So then we tried to put things away and organize the baby's things. It was a lengthy process, and I was already ready for bed. But it was fun. We figured if we waited until all the showers were done we would have a big project on our hands. So our goal is to keep up with the organizing along the way.

I almost forgot to mention Ed's gift. Not sure why he was so deserving of a gift, but Karen couldn't leave him out. So he got some much un-needed beer, a Brewers t-shirt, some golf balls and really cool tees. He was very excited to not be forgotten!

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Hey...I like the "new look" of your web page! Very cool!