Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Baby Doctor Update...(26 4/7 weeks)

Today was our last monthly check-up, from here on out we see the doctor every two weeks and eventually every week. Besides the basic weight, blood pressure and peeing in the cup, we had the O'Sullivan test (glucose test) where you drink some very sugary orange drink and then wait an hour and have blood drawn to determine if you need the 3 hour glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes. We passed with flying colors, so no need for the 3 hour test and no need to watch what I eat, praise the lord!!

All the other statistics were fine too, blood pressure was good, we are gaining weight (I think I need to give the baby some credit for all the weight I am gaining) and my hemoglobin was good too, so I don't need to take extra iron.

I am super excited, Herm and I have our first baby shower this weekend. Can't wait!!

Otherwise, Gizmo had another play date tonight. The other day Tallulah was over to play and tonight Amanda and Colby came over for dinner and to play. Surprisingly Colby could have cared less that Gizmo was here until like 10pm tonight, then all of a sudden he wanted to play. And it took until about 9pm before the two of them both finally laid down. Keep in mind they came over at like 515pm, so they were following each other around for several hours before they got worn out.

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