Wednesday, January 16, 2008

14 week update...

Had our monthly doctor appointment today at 2:45pm. All went well, I have gained a whole 2 pounds, my blood pressure is good. The babies heartbeat was good at 144, the doctor found it right away this time. Last appointment it took her a couple minutes which made me a little nervous, but I guess the baby is geting bigger so it is easier to find! Of course I was feeling like crap today, headache and nauseous, only because the last week has been really good and I made the mistake of saying it out loud. Apparently now is the time for headaches to be the worst, which doesn't excite me since in the past I have needed migraine medicine to get rid of a headache, and that is off limits now. So they last a lot longer than I would like. Also, at our appointment, the doctor was delivering a baby when we got there so we had to wait at least 45 minutes before we saw her, and we were in the room with her a whole 10 minutes maybe! What a waste of time, but all is well so I guess we can't complain. Ed isn't the most patient person though, so he was dancing in his seat. But it is all over and done. Next appointment is February 11, will be 18 weeks then and will have an ultrasound. Still not planning on finding out the sex of the baby!! But excited to see the little person inside.

I think that is all for now. Ed is attending the Packer game this weekend again with Dusty, hope they don't freeze to death!! He is super excited!!


Cora said...

Yeah Megan, 14 weeks! Feb 11 is my wedding anniversary, so it will be a great day to see the little one for the first time! 144...hmmm. Amelia always ran a bit higher than that. My initial gut feeling on you was a girl, but now perhaps I'm not sure!

I see you've found our CAMP blog...I think that I'm going to invite you an another author...that way you can post photos too!

Hope that you're feeling better soon. Migranes suck!

WI Smith family said...

So you are thinking it's a little boy heartbeat???? I can't believe Ed is determined not to find out the sex ahead of time. Mr. Impatient!!!:) Hope you are feeling better soon....