Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A busy Wednesday...

Today turned out to be a busy day for most of us. Doesn't help when you don't get out of bed until 10:30am, well at least Gizmo and I. As tired as I am, I haven't been able to sleep when I should be. When I am working, I can't sleep long enough, and when I am off, I can't fall asleep, but at 7pm I could fall asleep anywhere, not at 11pm when I should be asleep though. So I ended up on the computer until 1am so that my husband could sleep while I was tossing and turning. So therefore I don't feel guilty sleeping until 10:30, only a few more months of being able to do it anyway, better take advantage.

So anyway, after I rolled out of bed I finally made some much needed appointments, haircut, eyebrow wax, grooming for Gizmo, H & R block for taxes, etc, etc.... Then jumped in the shower and headed out to run some errands.

Stop number one was at the jeweler to pick up my bling, I mean wedding ring. I finally got my much awaited anniversary band from our 1 year annivesary/Christmas/Birthday present. We were waiting for a sale, but then another week and a half to have it sized and sautered? (I have no idea how to spell that) So I picked it up today, it is very bling, I love it! Ed was glad to hear me say there is no other jewelry or diamonds that I want, I am sure that will change though!

My next stop was Destination Maternity in search of some maternity jeans. It appears as though tall women shouldn't have babies, because it sure is difficult to find pants in tall or long. Especially inexpensive ones. But I was able to find a pair of jeans today, they do have the dreaded full panel of elastic, but they are rather cute as long as you don't show off the panel. I was actually very impressed with this store, the only other maternity store I had been in was at the Johnson Creek Outlet, and I felt like they had a lot of old lady looking stuff. But this store had some very cute and trendy things. Some of it was even reasonably priced. So when it gets a little warmer and my clothes no longer accomodate my expanding waist line, I might need to take a little shopping spree back at Destination Maternity. They even offered me water and juice like 3 times while I was there. It was rather fun! I also purchased a "tummy tube" which I will use in the interim to hold up my unbuttoned non-maternity jeans. It was a cheaper option than purchasing multiple pair of jeans. My last stop was the dreaded grocery store. Ed was craving meatloaf yesterday (apparently husbands have cravings while their wives are pregnant too) and we didn't have the makings for meatloaf, nor did I want to head out in the blizzard to get them. So today I searched the web for a recipe and purchased the necessary items. Whenever there is something cooking in the kitchen Ed can't stay away, so he decided to help me. He likes it when we cook together too, so we made mashed potatoes and meatloaf, it was delicious if I do say so myself. A little update on our previously purchased cookbook too: we made cauliflower puree which we used in a chicken salad recipe that turned out divine. Ed also tried to make tuna salad, but he claims it was too fishy so he disposed of it before I even got to try it. And the other thing Ed made was a healthy version of rice krispies (no purees in these, just flaxseed meal and brown crisp rice) they were pretty tasty for a healthy dessert.

Then tonight, Sue and Tallulah (I think I spell her name different every time, not sure what the correct spelling is, sorry Sue!) came over for a play date. They have so much fun together, and they wear each other out. Turns out Tallulah has grown quite a bit, Sue estimates she is just over 20 pounds, her paws are comparable in size to Gizmo's, uh oh... so much for Sue's lap dog! She is still cute though! I had a little photo shoot with Gizmo tonight too. This is exactly what he looks like after playing with another dog, especially one younger than him. Can you believe Gizmo will be 3 in March! Yikes!! Hope you all enjoy!!

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Your ring is beautiful! Well deserved!! Tallulah still had some puppy energy when we got home...but she crashed early! Thanks Giz! Glad you found some maternity clothes that fit!