Saturday, August 17, 2019

day 2 of Easton Cup

We have some new kids playing with us this weekend, so had to relearn some names and numbers.
Ed is on the bench with Rich, assistant coach 
After our game, we headed to a different rink to watch Brooks play with the 2011 MG. I got to catch up with this pretty lady (Sharon).
 Ed and Bryan got to catch up too. 
We brought Lane along with us for the entertainment too. So he got to meet these cool kids too.
Then it was back to the rink for another game...before catching back up with our friends for some apps and bowling.
After our afternoon game we met up at Aquila for some bowling and adult time, while the kids bowled. 
So thankful for these friends...we catch up right where we left off like no time has passed. 

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