Saturday, July 6, 2019

Conover 2019

I could make this week last forever in pictures....but here goes nothing. Another great week in Conover has come and gone. 

We arrived Friday late afternoon. We went to dinner at Burnt Bridge with the Praeger's, Karen, Doug and Don. We got a martini cruise on the Praeger Pontoon. And even snuck in some fishing off the dock. Of course we put the boat in too. 
Eddie got to go out fishing with Doug his first morning. We walked to the dam (which we do many times in a week)...then it was time to get the lake ready for the week. Floaties all blown up, pad out and secured, got to try out kayaks this week since Dana and Jeremy bought a couple. We played some cribbage when it got too late. Went tubing...
So many beautiful days at the lake. Gorgeous sunsets. We had one crappy day where Ingrid, Dana and I took the kids bowling. Lots of fish were caught, mostly crappies. Kids slept together most of the week. 
I even got to go fishing a couple times. We got to enjoy time with Peyton and give her back at night. Amazing. Kids and I both use the paddle board a bunch. Visiting Glen at Bauer's Dam complete with kiddie cocktails, rubber ducks, and umbrellas. Kids really thought Peyton was pretty great. And she even coordinated with Ed one day in their flamingo suits.
Wouldn't be a week in Conover without the Conover 4th of July parade. As per usual, hot and steamy for the parade. We have finally learned it makes most sense to head back to the lake after a hot morning of parade and cocktails. We all contribute to a pot luck dinner and relax. 
 Then it is Rowan's birthday celebration day...This year we went with pineapples. Kids got to try the new sour patch kid blizzard when picking up Rowan't ice cream cake. Got to tube, have presents and get spoiled. Pretty great day for a soon to be 11 year old.
 Grandpa Bill trimmed down on the fireworks this year and saved them for our last night in Conover. Perfect ending to a great week. Despite the fact that we live close to most of these people now, we still don't see them much. So still great to catch up.

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