Sunday, May 5, 2019

awesome MN weekend!

 Not even sure where to start with this weekend of fun. Not only did we get to play hockey and hang out the team, but we got to catch up with many of our old neighbors and friends.

First stop...Cory and Eddie. Cory's team was playing in the tournament too, so we got to watch him play a bit too.
Our best friends, The Nalipinski's came to watch one of Eddie's games on Friday morning! So we got to visit with them, have lunch and catch up.

The littlest Nalipinski, Heath.
Eddie and Brady
Luke was a little shy...
After lunch, we met up with the team back at the hotel. Because the pool was under renovation, we were granted a room to use to hang out in. The kids got to play shinny and other yard games they provided for us. Parents could sit and hang out. 

Then the Elgards came to cheer Eddie on at his evening game! 
Kristin, Declan and Asa were able to come. 
After this game, we just headed back to the hotel to hang out with families before tomorrow mornings game. 

Here he is..ready to go!
Since we had quite a bit of time in between games this day, we did some team bonding over bowling and laser tag, with a side of food too. 
Eddie made the website for the tournament too.
Taking a face off!

Today, the Connors family came to watch Eddie and visit. Will and Keira!
After our last game, we headed to Hugo to visit for a bit. Today was the Color Run, so the Peltier's had a bunch of people over after the run. So we got to catch up with many people. Of course, I only got pictures of the kids. 

Weston and Eddie
Mallory and Rowan
Eddie and Brooks
 We stayed later than we had planned...but were up and ready to play the next morning before heading home.

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