Thursday, April 11, 2019

FL bound...

We...along with the other half of the Knutson family, are FL bound for my cousin Peter's wedding. We were all on the flight together...pretty fun.
Papa provided us with some Southwest drink Ed and I indulged. We are kids free for a few days, have to enjoy while we can.
We rented a car with Amanda and Peter. We ended up with a Nissan...that liked to drive itself. It would pull Ed back into a lane if he didn't have his blinker on, and would back him away from a car if he was tailgating too close. Super annoying for us offensive drivers. 
 And before you knew it, we were by the pool. We did stop for some groceries, more so snacks and beverages...but we are stocked for our trip now.
 Can you tell we are from WI...all pasty and soaking up as much sun as possible.
 Go Pro for the win...check out these dinks.
 Poolside with this lovely lady.
 The group...Dan and Jenny come tomorrow night. Grandma is here too, but she is staying with Tim and Jean. 
 The twin Dinks...again.
Tim, Adam, Nick, Chelsea, Peter and Brooke brought us some appetizer spreads for dinner. Wings and apps, it was perfect and delicious. 
And of course...the kids are doing just fine with Nana and Papa. Rowan got to the chiropractor...Mrs. Amy got in the picture.
Then Nana and Papa were subject to games and entertaining of the kids before bed and school tomorrow.
Appears there was no shortage of snacks either. 

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