Sunday, December 31, 2017

Frigid Fun New Year's Eve!

We were invited to our friends cabin in Wisconsin to celebrate the New Year with family and friends. Too bad it wasn't warmer so we could enjoy more of the outdoors, but we still tried out a few things with many warm up breaks in between. The men were outside for quite awhile but I think that was to avoid other responsibilities!

The kids snowmobiled for the first time! Ice fished for the first time (unsuccessfully sadly). We played games, had snacks and a great dinner, and just hung out and had fun together. We did make it to midnight; barely!
Dad took each of the kids on their first snowmobile ride! Was short because the wind in your face was too much.
Ed and I keeping warm by the fire! 
 So thankful for good friends with good families who treat us like family!
These kids had so much fun together. Sadly the twins were sick but they still hung with the big kids!
Here is to a great 2018 ahead!

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