Monday, July 10, 2017

Our baby girl is 9

Waking up a 9 year old is hard work!! Or maybe it's waking up the mother of a 9 year old...not sure. But I sure would like for time to slow down.
Especially when it is summer; and you have to go to the eye doctor and agree to have your eyes dilated...soon to realize it is nearly impossible to see your computer and finish your work day. Oh well. I made it finish up this fun day celebrating Rowan!!
Rowan waited until the evening when Dad got home to open the rest of her birthday presents.
Before heading to her favorite restaurant for dinner!! Osaka!
And then home for official birthday dessert!! Eddie and I picked her out a few different cupcakes to switch it up this year! She had a hard time picking which one she liked best.
Rowan's stats:
4 feet 3.5 inches tall in the 39%
59 pounds in the 33%
BP 96/55 pulse 71
Currently she is on the Level 3 gymnastics team! She has 12 hours of practice a week this summer. 3 days a week for 4 hours a day. And she is more than we could ever ask for in a daughter and big sister. She is thoughtful, caring, loving, sassy and sweet. Can't wait to see what the future holds for our not so little girl anymore!

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