Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Eddie's class had a party and parade today! Got to help with some fun activities and then watch all the K and 1st graders in the parade.
This is one of the things the kids made today...
And then of course...trick or treat tonight! Perfect for a school night, right? Was wet and we actually didn't last very long; but we had LOTS of candy in the end.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

too many airheads...

...leads to a tongue like this! And crazy sugar buzz....

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Halloween party fun...

Our neighbors had a Halloween party tonight...initially we were just going to swing over after the kids went to bed; not in costume. But we decided to dig into the archives and see if we could squeeze into our costumes from a party many years ago....and we were successful.
Here are the ladies from the party! We arrived right in the middle of the couples obstacle course...which we completed with ease; and almost won. Instead we somehow won best costume!

Boo Bash and more

We had quite the packed day today...Boo Bash at Festival real quick before heading to double hockey! Kids got lots of goodies from the local restaurants/shops.
These girls are super excited to be playing hockey together this season!
Madalyn and Rowan! #4 and #9
In between our rushing around today we had time to stop in at the Station for a beer and appetizers.
And finally tonight we got our pumpkins carved...
Eddie wasn't into carving at all! So he helped draw what he wanted and that was about all the participation we got from him.
Eddie couldn't even pretend to smile for pics.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Rowan's halloween party

This afternoon I got to spend some time in Rowan's class for a little Halloween party and parade. So many compliments on Rowan's costume! You can tell the costumes that people buy from the store; because there are generally other donuts like Rowan! (thanks to Nana)
The packages for my new job are starting to roll in! A little care package today!
Complete with a pedometer.  
Capped the night visiting with our neighbors behind us...with the fairly new patio heater! It was perfect.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

chin holds

...and she is a rock star at them! I've never seen her not hold it the entire time expected!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Last room to paint in the house! Must get it done before I start working full time in a couple weeks!
AFTER! bedding to come.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

costume contest

This girl did not want to wear her costume to gymnastics today...but I brought it just in case she changed her mind. And I talked her into it at the last minute...and she won! (a 20$ flips gc)

Monday, October 24, 2016

We made it... the pumpkin farm! Almost thought we were going to have to buy pumpkins from the grocery store! Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but it isn't the experience you get at a pumpkin farm. So we weren't right after school today to get some pumpkins. Was nice out to start....but it cooled off fast!
Kids loved the animals...and the entertainment; swings, bikes, jumping, hay bales, etc.
And of course, pumpkins too.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pre-tryout practice

Back from MI in time for the last practice before tryouts start for the WBL hockey season.
Let's go Smiths! 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

sunday in detroit

We were up this morning for a quick swim, and then showered and headed to meet some Smith family for breakfast! We met Papa's cousins and kids for a great breakfast; kids got to play a little; and we did a little shopping/sight seeing before heading to the airport. Randomly got to check out a little puppet theater in the area; they were closed but gave us a mini tour.
Flight home was good and fast...and they passed out on the ride home from the airport.
Successful trip I guess

Friday, October 21, 2016

Joe Louis we come!

Our trip for 2016 is to Detroit MI to watch the Red Wings in Joe Louis Arena for the first and last time! A new arena is being built for next years season, so now is our chance to get to Joe Louis before it doesn't exist anymore! Kids are pumped! Sign is made.
This was a very short trip...barely in MI for 24 hours; but worth every minute. We flew into Detroit, took a bus to the rental care location; headed to our hotel; checked in and headed to lunch at Wahlburgers! Then back to the hotel for a quick swim before heading to the game.
We got souvenirs; snacks, more snacks, a Canadian beer or two; cheered a lot; danced a little....and left with a win thankfully.
Was great game and experience for us all. Even got to take a ride on the people mover (Detroit public transportation) and experience for all of us. After the game we headed back to the hotel to sleep after a long and fun day.