Saturday, July 30, 2016

block party

Today was our neighborhood block party. I did a very poor job of taking pictures...but that doesn't mean fun wasn't had. Families in the neighborhood went in on renting this 18 foot waterslide for the kids entertainment. I think we got our money out of it. It was delivered yesterday, so the kids played for a few hours yesterday evening, then this afternoon and into the night. It will be picked up tomorrow. The bottom right picture was the aftermath of a bonfire in our back yard last night.
In addition to the waterslide, the adults participated in a bags tournament. My partner was Ben and Ed's partner was Kristin. It was a random drawing...I'm not sure what place we ended up in, but it wasn't first. But we did play pretty well. Madison and Molly (twin girls born to neighbors a few weeks ago) made their debut and were held and snuggled by many. Rowan even got to snuggle Molly. We all brought a dish to pass and our own meat to grill. There was music, beverages, and lots of laughter. I think we called it a night right around midnight. Long, hot, fun day.

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