Sunday, July 3, 2016

8 is great...a week early!

Pretty perfect view this morning...Ed is out fishing, Kids are still sleeping, and I'm reading a book! Enjoying the quiet while it lasts!
Today...the Kowieski's joined us at the lake! So fun. There was tubing, swimming, fishing, and fun.
And...we managed to squeeze an early birthday celebration in for Rowan too! This is the first year we will actually be home in time for her birthday, but everyone is so used to celebrating up north, we had to accommodate! Cake and ice cream and presents!
8 really is great.... partner in crime, or in disguise...not really sure. But man do I miss her!
They could only visit with us for the afternoon, then they had to be back for dinner with the grandparents, but we will play again tomorrow.

Was trying to get a picture of the whites of Eddie's eyes...they've been bloodshot for days (essentially since we got here) so much fresh air and not enough down time is my guess. Not really concerned since they aren't bothering him.
Last year I got a great shot of this kids similar to this, so had to try to get a new one!
Pretty successful!
What a fun day with family and friends!

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