Saturday, July 30, 2016

block party

Today was our neighborhood block party. I did a very poor job of taking pictures...but that doesn't mean fun wasn't had. Families in the neighborhood went in on renting this 18 foot waterslide for the kids entertainment. I think we got our money out of it. It was delivered yesterday, so the kids played for a few hours yesterday evening, then this afternoon and into the night. It will be picked up tomorrow. The bottom right picture was the aftermath of a bonfire in our back yard last night.
In addition to the waterslide, the adults participated in a bags tournament. My partner was Ben and Ed's partner was Kristin. It was a random drawing...I'm not sure what place we ended up in, but it wasn't first. But we did play pretty well. Madison and Molly (twin girls born to neighbors a few weeks ago) made their debut and were held and snuggled by many. Rowan even got to snuggle Molly. We all brought a dish to pass and our own meat to grill. There was music, beverages, and lots of laughter. I think we called it a night right around midnight. Long, hot, fun day.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

by day and by night

Well, this is how my day started! Back at painting again. Not a new color, but a new space. The loft/upstair hallway/stairwell! Seems like a small space compared to the downstairs, but there is more trimming than I thought. Oh well, will be so awesome when it's done.
This evening...the kids were all outside riding bikes, and Eddie ended up with some road rash. Turns out he was following his sister on her bike, and she stopped sooner than he was ready for, and their bike tires hit and he went flying, on his arm. There were tears, and some blood. But he will survive, with another scar to show for it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

vet and blaine

Started out our morning at the vet for Gizmo's annual check up...he is Skinny! He was only 37 pounds! He has been on a raw meat diet since September for his allergy and skin irritations...and it turned into a diet apparently. He doesn't act hungry...he has always been a beggar to a point...but not annoyingly. So the vet said we could feed him a little more food...she doesn't want him weighing any less, but if he got up to 40 pounds she's still be happy. But he doesn't need to get back to 45 pounds. So we will start feeding him a full patty of meat in the am and pm versus 3/4. Great, as if it wasn't expensive enough. But makes servings easier too! 
Otherwise she said he looked great. Teeth are good, heart sounds good (she told me that Cavalier's can develop heart disease as they get older), then she tried to sell me on a DNA testing kit you can get from Amazon for $105 if I wanted to know what else he is mixed with...not sure I care 11 years later!
Then we headed home and packed a lunch and met the Birch family in Blaine at Lakeside Commons Park! There is a park, splash pad and beach! Kids had so much fun. And the weather was perfect, and it was great to catch up with Leann since I haven't really seen her since preschool ended!
Breckin and Sydney needed to head home to get some things done...but the kids and I played for awhile longer! They even got me to swim with them.
Before leaving, the kids got changed out of their suits and got a treat from the concessions...then we were on our way home. What a great day of fun in the sun.

Monday, July 25, 2016


We were a little early for gymnastics today, so we hit up the park for 15 minutes before dropping Rowan off. This seems to be their favorite thing at this park.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Nalipinski pool fun

We were invited over to Brian's parents house to swim this afternoon! It was a perfect day for it...and the pool was 90, so a great combination. We brought snacks to share, and had great company which turns out to be a great day. Sad we had to leave before dinner to get home for hockey...but we finished the night with some Asian to go, so wasn't bad after all.
And Eddie learned how to jump off the diving board into the deep end and swim to the shallow end and the ladder. So impressed and happy for him. Maybe one round of swim lessons this fall and we will be confident in his swimming abilities without a life jacket!
Almost a wardrobe malfunction with this throw...

Saturday, July 23, 2016

rainy saturday

So why not put up a tent in the basement! Hours of fun! Or not, but it entertained them for awhile. Maddie got to play with the kids for hours. Fun was had by all!

Friday, July 22, 2016

costco, groomer, napper

Checking out the new goods at Costco...relaxing with a churro!
Gizmo got a much needed groom today! He came home with a navy printed bandana, and both kids had on blue, so photo opportunity it was...except you couldn't see the bandana. Oh well, still cute.
Dad gets home, and you leave him along for a minute, and this happens. Thankful for him supporting us every day.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

crazy kids...and sweat

It's rare I let the kids out of the house like this...but today, apparently I was okay with it. He was proud of his 'goalie glove'. I was appalled by his outfit! Seems fitting for a picture.
Then, I try to lay on the couch and read this afternoon, but am getting shot in the face by this. Mismatched heels, that don't fit, purse, red lip gloss, and an annoying gun. All her father's child.
And so proud of this boy tonight, who worked his butt off at hockey, super sweaty to show for it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

so proud

to call him my husband...Snapchat can do some hilarious things.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

seasons over

Today was Rowan's official last game. It was technically a makeup game, so they got their medals last week. But now we can say we are done with summer soccer! Both kids had fun and enjoyed their teams. I learned that I can't sit on the sidelines quietly...and Ed can't stand it. He threatened to move away from me many times.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

national ice cream day

We thought the kids were never going to wake up this morning! It was almost 9am before we got to the Lumber Inn for breakfast! Afterwards we headed back and packed up and headed home. We settle on Culver's Ice cream and cheese curds for lunch on our trek home! Perfect combo for this family!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Christmas in July...

...with the Hanson Family, was our main mission for our visit this weekend. But we always manage to cram more into our visits. Spent last night with Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill. Had breakfast with them this morning, then were on the road to Nashotah. And Eddie is having his second breakfast thanks to Grandma Pam sending the extra donuts along...
We arrived at Nana and Papa's around 10...visited with them, then decided to head to Revere's in downtown Delafield to have some appetizers for lunch. Check out that soft pretzel! It was gigantic...but we had no problem finishing it with our crowd. Plus we got nachos and cheese curds too. Delish.
Then we were off to Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie's house to celebrate Christmas with the Hanson family. The kids wasted no time getting in the pool. They were fish.
Breyson and Rowan...only 6 weeks apart.
A snapshot of the day! Swimming, presents, washers, spikeball, FUN!
My dad was my partner and Amanda was Ed's partner. My dad and I ended up taking 2nd place in the whole tournament...just couldn't pull off first...thanks to Brad and Kathy.
Rowan and Casey...2 of my favorites.
Rowy holding Colter. 
Our group selfie...impressive. 
Here's what the washer tourney looked like.
And the true Christmas spirit thanks to Grandpa Kris.
We headed back to Nana and Papa's house just before dark...but the kids were exhausted so we didn't make it to the Kiltie for ice cream! I guess going out for breakfast will have to do.

Friday, July 15, 2016

fantastic friday

Kids spent much of their day playing with Maddie! There was a dance party in the garage at one point.
When Ed got home, we were on the road to WI, for the last time for a long time. We spent the night in Lyndon Station, where Gizmo has been for almost 3 weeks. We have missed him a ton, I like to think he missed us too. But he was well taken care of a spoiled with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam.