Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hugo/Oneka 5K Color Run

This is what my husband was doing in his free time this morning!
All four of us ran in the 5K Color Run this stroller! And we all did awesome! Eddie needed a piggy back ride a few times, but he finished on his own. I had to sprint at the end again to catch up to Rowan so she wouldn't finish alone! My only complaint this year is the lack of color...we were no where near the end of the runners and stations 3/4 were out of color before we got there. And honestly I don't think any of the stations even hit me with color...boring!
Well done family!
We didn't hang around after the run because we had to get home and shower and open up our garage sale again today! The kids were selling lemonade, suckers and laffy taffy to their friends in the neighborhood. I think they were more lucrative today than the rest of the items in the garage.
Serious snapchatting going on around here...
And this afternoon Sam came back to seal our patio...amazing how much better it looks with just a coat of sealer! Just waiting for the fire pit now and some finishing touches.

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