Sunday, May 24, 2015

Scary Sunday

Ed, Mitch, and Peter were out the door early this am to golf with Papa...while the rest of us took our time showering, and eating before heading to the Tetzlaff''s household to visit and get our hair done.
As I was ready to walk out the door, Julie told my Dad to tell me his symptoms before the nurse leaves...I didn't realize anything was going on! But my dad was having pain in his arms, profuse sweating and fluttering of his heart. And apparently he had these same symptoms earlier in the week and didn't follow up on them. I told him he needed to go to the hospital and get it checked out. My sister was there as well, so she and Julie took him to the hospital while the kids and I headed to Waukesha. I felt guilty not going along, but it wasn't a place for the kids and there wasn't much I could do at that moment anyway.
So the kids and I went and visited with Casey and the girls.
 Casey's in home salon set up! Freaking awesome!
The kids had lunch together and then we headed to Nana and Papa's house.
At this point in the afternoon there weren't many answers on my dad's condition. They didn't think it was his heart and were trying to rule out other options such as gallbladder etc. We visited with Nana and Papa briefly and then Ed and I went to the hospital to visit my dad as they decided to admit him and do a stress test and further testing the next day. We didn't take the kids along since it wasn't a place for them really. We visited for a couple hours and then headed back to Ed and Sue's for dinner.

The timeline is a bit unclear on how and when all the details occurred, but long story short, a lab value came back after 24 hours showing that he had a mild heart attack. Therefore he would need a cardiac cath to find where the blockage is. The issue was his INR level that was too high due his Coumadin medication that he takes daily. So the plan was to do it on Monday in the morning. This news was what made Sunday scary. I think the news took my dad back a bit too. But in the end he was lucky he went in and got the information, because had he had another episode, he may not have been so lucky. So the plan was for me to go to the hospital in the am and be there for the procedure and we would head home in the afternoon sometime!

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