Sunday, May 31, 2015

super sickey saturday

We had quite a busy day today, which started out bad with Rowan waking up sick. Tummy ache that turned into a few vomiting moments and then she was good?! So Eddie and I went to soccer to start the day, then Ed and I stained the deck (coat number 1), and Ed practiced his pizza grilling for dinner. Pretty busy eventful day to start the weekend! Coat number 2 was done and Sunday. Didn't really realize how rough the deck was looking until I saw the before and after pictures! Much better.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

park play

Since Eddie is done with school and Rowan is close behind, we are living up the nice days at the park while it's still semi quiet!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Grandpa's procedure went well yesterday. He had 80% blockage in an area, so had a stent placed to open it up. There was one other area of a vessel with 60% blockage, but they don't do anything to that this early. His recovery was good, had to keep the femoral catheter in longer because of his risk of bleeding, and even when they did remove it they had to hold pressure for quite a long time which caused a very large bruise. But they have to do what is necessary to stop the bleeding when on Coumadin.
Plan is for him to stay the night and hopefully head home tomorrow! The kids sent him hugs this morning before school!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

kisses for Grandpa

This morning we sent kisses to Grandpa, letting him know we were thinking about him before his cardiac catheterization this morning.

Monday, May 25, 2015

breakfast, hospital, home

I got a text very early this morning that they decided to postpone my dad's cardiac cath until tomorrow because his INR level still wasn't low enough to proceed. So we went out for breakfast with Nana and Papa, and then headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house to say good bye to Grandma and Aunt Amanda.
This was the hardest decision I have ever had to make...going home (Rowan had school, Ed had to work, couldn't stay without the kids?) or staying. I would have liked to be there knowing that I had the most medical knowledge, but knew that for my family I should go home. And really there was nothing I could do if I was there that my sister and Julie couldn't do. But either way, I felt guilty leaving. So, we headed to the hospital to visit my dad before heading home. Rowan hung out and took some selfies in Grandpa's hospital bed.
My dad was very bored. He had to miss the Memorial day parade and was stuck in this hospital room on a monitor. He was busy doing the crossword puzzle when we arrived. We hung out for a couple hours, and were still there when Grandma Julie and the rest came back, so then we headed out.
It was an emotional ride home, feeling guilty and sad. Knowing that my dad was lucky it was a mild heart attack and that everything would be fine tomorrow was difficult to digest. One major downfall of living 5 hours away. Thankfully my sister and brother were both there to support both my dad and Julie!
Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Scary Sunday

Ed, Mitch, and Peter were out the door early this am to golf with Papa...while the rest of us took our time showering, and eating before heading to the Tetzlaff''s household to visit and get our hair done.
As I was ready to walk out the door, Julie told my Dad to tell me his symptoms before the nurse leaves...I didn't realize anything was going on! But my dad was having pain in his arms, profuse sweating and fluttering of his heart. And apparently he had these same symptoms earlier in the week and didn't follow up on them. I told him he needed to go to the hospital and get it checked out. My sister was there as well, so she and Julie took him to the hospital while the kids and I headed to Waukesha. I felt guilty not going along, but it wasn't a place for the kids and there wasn't much I could do at that moment anyway.
So the kids and I went and visited with Casey and the girls.
 Casey's in home salon set up! Freaking awesome!
The kids had lunch together and then we headed to Nana and Papa's house.
At this point in the afternoon there weren't many answers on my dad's condition. They didn't think it was his heart and were trying to rule out other options such as gallbladder etc. We visited with Nana and Papa briefly and then Ed and I went to the hospital to visit my dad as they decided to admit him and do a stress test and further testing the next day. We didn't take the kids along since it wasn't a place for them really. We visited for a couple hours and then headed back to Ed and Sue's for dinner.

The timeline is a bit unclear on how and when all the details occurred, but long story short, a lab value came back after 24 hours showing that he had a mild heart attack. Therefore he would need a cardiac cath to find where the blockage is. The issue was his INR level that was too high due his Coumadin medication that he takes daily. So the plan was to do it on Monday in the morning. This news was what made Sunday scary. I think the news took my dad back a bit too. But in the end he was lucky he went in and got the information, because had he had another episode, he may not have been so lucky. So the plan was for me to go to the hospital in the am and be there for the procedure and we would head home in the afternoon sometime!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

another travelling weekend...

We headed to Lyndon Station last night to visit Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam. Kids were up early this morning and took a bath in their whirlpool tub! Surprisingly they don't use it very often when we are there, too many other fun things to do.
And had to squeeze in a 4 wheeler ride before heading further south east as well.
Then we were on our way to Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie's house where we picked up Aunt Amanda, grabbed some lunch and then to the zoo! Was going to be a beautiful day so we figured we would get one more use out of our zoo pass that was soon expiring.
 A little family picture by the polar bear!
After the zoo, we headed back to change and get ready for dinner at our favorite 5 O'clock Club with the family and The Eggert's!
A very warm fun long day...after dinner we had a fire at Grandma and Grandpa's and then were off to bed.

Friday, May 22, 2015

End of year project

Today Eddie and I got to go to Rowan's school and help her with her Fairy Garden. Wish I would have brought my hot glue gun like some of the other mom's. But I guess I thought that was cheating! I think ours turned out just fine without it. And of course we had the fairies to go with the garden!
Rowan was so done and not having the picture time...oh well!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Last day of 3K

OMG, look at my 3K graduate! Last day of school today!
I got to attend an end of year party with Eddie this afternoon. They sang us some songs, had snack with us and even made a necklace with us! Eddie had a great year with Miss Lori, Miss Sally and Miss Liz! 
We celebrated his last day with blizzards from DQ on our way home!
Then we had to get sissy off the bus and get her to gymnastics. Story of our life!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Little Swimmers Graduate

Moving on to Level 1!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Super Sunday

2 thumbs up for a great day today...
...we even took Dad to the library with us!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Kids activities...

We started the morning with soccer...was hopeful that it was going to be warmer than last time, but not so much.
Then we headed home for some lunch and relaxation, and even quick shopping to round out the afternoon before heading to Rowan's gymnastics performance. This Spring Fling was a bit chaotic...but Rowan had fun and did a good job.
Eddie was entertained by Aunt Amanda and her phone...
Then it was home to hang out and play games!
Got a few pictures of Rowan and her medal! And the gymnastics pose!
Family photo with the selfie stick!
Was a fast and fun weekend!