Saturday, March 28, 2015


We had a rather uneventful night at Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam's...a couple beverages and some play time, some online shopping and off to bed. We were then up this morning, had some breakfast, and were on the road to Madison to meet up with the Smith clan. We left Gizmo behind to play with Cadillac.
We arrived at the hotel about 945am. Visited with Nana and Papa and bit before Dusty, Julie and Hudson arrived. Then the kids swam for a bit with Papa before we headed to lunch!
We ate at a Mexican restaurant nearby! Julie and I tried out the personal shaker margaritas! Delish.
After lunch we headed back to the room to get ready to swim. Hudson didn't trust his Uncle Ed...he had a death grip on his coat! Smart boy!
Everyone got wet at some point this afternoon. Then we had a few beverages and played some cards. Some adult and some Uno. 
Hudson even joined in the water fun for a bit!
All the men and their kids...
Rowan the fish!
When we had had enough of the pool area, we got dressed and met in Nana and Papa's room to hang out. We played some more cards, the kids played, we ordered pizza, celebrated the youngest boys birthday's with gifts and cupcakes. Before all the fun, Eddie managed to fall asleep.
Eddie was quite excited for his gifts when he woke up!
Blayne and Molly brought the cupcake cake for the boys...and the frosting was delicious. Not sure what it was, but it was so good.
Of course the kids enjoyed it too! After a day of swimming and fun...we didn't make it very late.

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