Sunday, March 15, 2015

Last 4th birthday celebration

This morning we went out for breakfast with Nana and Papa before they headed home. Then it was off to get ready for Eddie's birthday celebration at Stars and Strikes in Wyoming with a couple of his neighbor friends.
The kids bowled for an hour...
Rowan and Elaina...
Then we had pizza and pop!
And then we had cake! Such a fun little afternoon. We are so thankful that our neighbor friends and families came to enjoy the time with us. Eddie had such fun.
The group...the Hosfield's, Neill's, and Smith's!
After bowling...we had a little downtime, and then we got the kids together again and headed to the play ground at Oneka Elementary by our house. Very nice to get outside and enjoy the weather.
After the park, the kids were playing outside, and the new puppy, Molly across the street came over to pay Gizmo a visit. He ran and teased her a bit, but then his old self got tired. Molly didn't think that was allowed.

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