Sunday, October 5, 2014

Solo to Shower...

This morning I was up bright and early and on a plane to O'Hare to celebrate Julie's baby shower. So glad that I went. Dusty picked me up from airport at 745am, we had some breakfast and caught up. Then showered and got ready for the shower.
The shower was held in a restaurant and was very nice. Aunt Jill, Nana and Jamie were there too.
A few of the decorations...
Julie and I
 Jorie and I
 Julie and Jorie
Got a few pictures from Ed while away...Rowan and Eddie were fighting this morning, so Rowan wrote this...too cute.
They made yogurt parfaits with homemade granola for breakfast...
After the shower we went back to Dusty and Julie's house and hung out. Dusty made some pizza and we had some beverages. Monty and I bonded.
Facetime with the kids after the shower.  
Then Sunday morning I was up at 630am to head back to the airport and home to MN. Flight was delayed like 45 glad I had my kindle to occupy my time alone. Was a short trip, but very fun.

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