Friday, October 24, 2014

busy friday

In Minnesota it is mandatory to have your 3 year old screened through the school system to ensure they are on track. So Eddie had his appointment this morning. They tested his vision and hearing and did some developmental things with him. Turns out he is right on track and there are no concerns for him at this time. We could maybe work on some writing with him. He only drew straight lines for them. But overall they had no concerns. You had to have 14 points to 'pass' and he had 34.
Then after school Rowan and Franziska finally got to have their playdate. The first scheduled time Franziska was sick and the second one Rowan was sick. So the 3rd time worked. They had a snack after school, then they played inside for awhile, some dressup and such, and then they played outside.
2 Snow Whites...
And a batman protect them of course.
Karen and Doug arrived late afternoon to visit for the weekend. So we hung out, had some dinner and then we took them to Cherry Berry for dessert.

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