Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween...

We started out the day in her costume for school. They had a parade, so Eddie and I went to watch.
Eddie wore his costume to the parade too.
Rowan's 1st grade class...
She was happy we came to watch.
There were 4 Elsa's in the class...but we only caught a picture with one friend.
A few more costume pictures of each of them...
And together...wasn't easy. 
 The best one...Superman and Elsa 2014
And then there was trick or treat...Aunt Amanda and Peter came to visit for the weekend. When they got here we had a quick dinner then we were dressed and out to get some candy. We all went! We lasted about an hour, then Eddie got tired and finally Rowan was cold. I think she hated to admit it though. Then we went back home to analyze the loot...appropriate to do so in your underwear, right? Rowan was a house ahead of Eddie all night...but he keeps up better every year.

The end of the trip...Eddie in stroller eating a sucker...and yes we had a cooler with adult beverages for the walk. Should have had warm beverages versus cold tonight.
Rowan got a Christmas tree sucker from a house?????
And Ed couldn't believe that she got a full size Snickers bar! Must have been near the end because Eddie didn't have one.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

school dress-up and swim

Eddie got to wear his costume to school today. And this is the smile I get from him....
Tonight at swimming, Dad was trying to be productive and do work. He was actually slightly successful. Looking so studious.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

oh eddie

Monday, October 27, 2014

flips 1 continues

Just another night working on the bars...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Keys Cafe

Karen and Doug wanted to take us for breakfast this morning, so Ed was told of a place in White Bear Lake that we headed to...Keys Café. It was great. Huge omlettes and pancakes! Karen and I had the pumpkin pancakes and they were delicious.
Late morning Karen and Doug headed home and the we relaxed the rest of the day. Entertained kids and ate lots of apples. Great weekend.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

beautiful day

Today we had some breakfast and then headed to the AppleCreek apple orchard right by our house. Kids loved it. We got to walk the orchard and read signs teaching us some apple knowledge (Rowan read them all to us...she thought it was great). The kids got to play a bit and run. And we got to feed chickens and bunnies. Then we bought some apples and cider and honey.
Nana sent a few things up with Karen and Doug for of which was this Aaron Rodgers mask!
So we dressed Eddie up in Ed's packer pants and Rodgers face. Too cute.
In the afternoon, Karen, Doug, the kids and Gizmo went for a walk to the park while Ed and I were lazy. Then we played some games and had dinner and relaxed. Was a great day.

Friday, October 24, 2014

busy friday

In Minnesota it is mandatory to have your 3 year old screened through the school system to ensure they are on track. So Eddie had his appointment this morning. They tested his vision and hearing and did some developmental things with him. Turns out he is right on track and there are no concerns for him at this time. We could maybe work on some writing with him. He only drew straight lines for them. But overall they had no concerns. You had to have 14 points to 'pass' and he had 34.
Then after school Rowan and Franziska finally got to have their playdate. The first scheduled time Franziska was sick and the second one Rowan was sick. So the 3rd time worked. They had a snack after school, then they played inside for awhile, some dressup and such, and then they played outside.
2 Snow Whites...
And a batman protect them of course.
Karen and Doug arrived late afternoon to visit for the weekend. So we hung out, had some dinner and then we took them to Cherry Berry for dessert.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

swimming goof

Rowan was her silly self while watching Eddie swim tonight.
Eddie was freezing like every week, and he showed up his classmates big time. Lots of kids crying and not wanting to do what they were supposed to. His teacher called him her 'awesome turtle'.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

picture day

This morning we had strict instructions for pictures...not really. Just wear the headband and show your teeth when you smile. I got a phone call about 9am from Mrs. Briggs saying that Rowan lost her headband and was very concerned and she wanted to know what she should do. Of course I said it was fine to go without a headband. But she did a good job following directions.

Monday, October 20, 2014

out on the town...

Eddie and I headed to the mall today to have some jewelry assessed for insurance purposes, so we walked the mall a bit. And they had of course we had to try just one.
Then for Monday's gymnastics time. And they had this great colored tree, so I made the kids pose for a picture.
And to end our Monday night...Rowan had some hives. She was up in the night last night with some as well. But we medicated and used some essential oils and she woke up with next to none this morning. Was fine after school, and then after gymnastics they were back in force. Most likely just a result of the virus she was fighting the end of last week with the fever. This is all that has come of the fever, no other symptoms.