Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rowan's First day of 1st Grade...

Today was the first day of school for Rowan. Was a little nerve racking for me...new house, new subdivision, new city, new school, new friends...lots of new things. But Rowan took it like a champ. She didn't even look back after getting on the bus. And her teacher emailed me during the day to let me know she was having a good day.
We were the first ones to the bus stop. And I think we have the longest walk. Sure is different than last year. Bus stop across the street and in our driveway was pretty nice. Oh well.
And she got off the bus as planned after school. Always a little scared for the one day that she might have gotten off at the wrong stop or on the wrong bus. So far so good.
And nothing better than a package from Nana and Papa when she got home, complete with Frozen fruit snacks for Rowan and Spiderman for Eddie.
Can't believe we are already experiencing 1st grade. Seems like yesterday I was taking her for her first day of 3K and bawling my eyes out. Still a tear in my eye, but we all survived.

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