Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sock Monkey 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday to our little boy!

Here is the decor for the party! Guests arrived around 11am. We enjoyed a sub lunch, gifts, some inside and outside playtime, cupcakes, and then the birthday boy was ready for a nap.
Eddie loves him some balloons. He would have been happy with just those for the day I think. Nana found a set of monkey ears and tail. Was perfect.
There were lots of gifts, though I am not sure Eddie opened many of them. Luckily Breyson, Sawyer and Rowan were there to help. He was more entertained by the tissue paper. He got lots of trucks, some clothes, a new book (homemade by Nana), and more trucks. Very spoiled birthday boy!
The party and it's attendees. After the party festivities were complete the kids were able to play outside for a bit before heading home. It was beautiful out, but a bit windy.
We had a little mishap with the candle. Eddie touched it before we blew it out and then touched it again while it wasn't lit but still hot. So he wasn't very happy. After a little loving from Mommy, he was ready to dig in. He was a bit leary at first, but then dug right in.
It was a very nice little party. Food was good, plenty of presents, fun with friends and family, and now it's done. Not quite sure where the year has gone. My baby is growing up.

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