Monday, March 19, 2012

1 year doctor appt

Well, it wouldn't be right if we didn't have an eventful doctor visit. It isn't like we were just there 3 days ago!

1 year statistics
Weight: 23 pounds (53rd percentile)
Length: 30.5 inches (72nd percentile)
Head: 46 cm (60th percentile)

Turns out, he too has an ear infection. Almost a double but not quite. So he will be starting on antibiotics just like his big sister did on friday. Not only that, but he had to get 4 shots, and have his finger poked for a hemoglobin level (it was fine 11.8) So our poor guy had a rough visit, but hopefully we will be cured before we know it.

Otherwise the visit was good. He looks good physically. He is following the growth curve, slowing down a bit, but that is normal right now. We will start giving him vitamin D milk now and weaning from sensitive formula. I am not too concerned about him not tolerating regular milk because we have been frequenting ice cream the last few weeks and he has been fine with it. The other thing that we might need to fix is the night time wakings. Eddie had a cold about a month ago and has been waking to eat during the night ever since. But the doctor said perhaps once he is well again maybe we should try to stop those mid-night wakings. We are all for that, except we don't want him screaming during the night and waking up his big sister. So we will see how that goes and what we are willing to do.

Eddie at 1 year:
*As previously mentioned, not sleeping through the night regularly
*Eating four 6 oz bottles a day, now to be milk instead of formula
*He isn't walking yet, but crawls quickly, pulls himself up and walks around furniture and with his walking toy
*Eats just about anything, no allergies to date
*Not the best with a sippy cup yet. Spits out more than he swallows half the time.
*Wearing 18 months although some is too big still, but 12 month stuff is too short, and size 4 shoes. Size 3 diapers.
*Has been in a convertible carseat since about 10 months old! He outgrew the infant seat length wise. Rear facing of course! Gonna try to stick it out until the recommended 2 years at this point.
*His newest toy love are balls! Loves to play catch/roll the ball. He throws it pretty good! And will play fetch with himself at times too!
*Takes 2 naps at day still, and doesn't seem anywhere near ready to ditch the morning nap.
Here are a few pictures from today. We were outside again today enjoying the weather. Rowan got her first road rash of the season!

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