Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nana and Papa's bunny

Turns out Nana and Papa's easter bunny came to visit today! Not fair. I missed out on Red Robin lunch because I was sleeping (working nights all weekend, 4 in a row) and of course the easter bunny. Nana told Rowan on the phone last week that she saw the easter bunny in her yard. And Rowan latched right onto that. She was telling everyone (preschool teacher, swimming teacher...) that her Nana saw the easter bunny in her yard! Too cute! Anyway, Nana and Papa came to visit and deliver baskets because we wouldn't be able to see them otherwise before Easter. And they all went out for lunch while I was sleeping. Thoughtful in that it was quiet for me, but unthoughtful not to plan around me! Just kidding.

basement progress

Okay, well it starts with a cute boy playing in the basement. But the progress comes shortly there after. I feel like we went from feeling like the basement was never going to be done, to it being done in a few minutes. In the last week we have finished painting the basement. We are working on getting the mudding done in the hallway (just don't want the potential for drywall dust to get on the new carpet) so that we can have the carpet installed. The other last minute thing is moulding. Need to get that and get it stained, polyurethaned and hung before carpet as well.

We have them (Home Depot) coming to measure on Wednesday for carpet. Hoping to order by end of weekend and have installed the following week! It is almost done! At this point, we are not carpeting the hallway to the eventual bathroom/closet/work room/storage areas because the cost of the 4 doors alone is another $1000+, so stopping the carpet at the doorway for now. Just want to get the big area done so we can use it!

Friday, March 30, 2012

just another day in WI

Like most days in this house, we had some intense ball playing going on! Except, this week we have been needing to dress in our flannels again instead of shorts. That's Wisconsin weather for ya. Eddie just loves playing ball and does so well, it's too cute.
Rowan loves to play ball with him too. Sometimes could give him a little more space!
Pretty girl! She loves her little brother. Too much sometimes.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

finger painting...

Rowan is clearly an expert at the finger painting, Eddie not so much. The novice that he is decided to taste the paint way too soon, which cut our painting experience a bit short. Because he wasn't a fan at all. Oh well, his hands looked pretty!

Monday, March 26, 2012

movin' on up!

Ed is moving on up to his 4th position within Oshkosh Corporation. He will now be an Area Manager!
Congratulations honey, we are proud of you!
Sorry, there is no chance Ed would let me take his picture for this post!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

to lyndon we will go

This weekend was another attempt to make progress on the basement. So the kids and I took another trip to Lyndon Station to visit Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill. For all the trips Grandma Pam makes for us, we owe her a few million still! And the outlet mall was calling my name. We arrived around 1030am, had some lunch, and then Grandma, Eddie and I headed out for some shopping. Rowan again wanted to stay back and play with Grandpa Bill.
Grandma had a few fun easter activities for the kids, or Rowan. She got to put up some Easter clings on the windows, Eddie was fine just banging on the window. And Rowan also got to dye eggs on Sunday while Eddie was sleeping. Only a few stains were had and a few eggs cracked. Coulda been worse!
Grandma and Grandpa's swingset got lots of playtime. Just wait until it is warm again. We will never get them inside. Funny story, while we were shopping Saturday, Rowan needed to change her pants because they were all wet on the bottom from the wet grass, so she got some shorts out to put on. Yeah, they were a few sizes too small! Turns out 3 1/2 year olds don't fit into their 1 yr old brothers shorts. Or maybe they do? They weren't elastic waist either! Grandpa thought they were a little tight, but didn't question it, they were khaki I guess?
Aye yaye! Anyway, we headed home after lunch on Sunday, with lots of good deals from the outlet mall!

Ed finished mudding and sanding, and painted 2 coats on the ceiling. Oh, and squeezed 18 holes of golf in Sunday morning as well. Successful I would say!

Friday, March 23, 2012

old buddy Doug

Karen and Doug were here today to help out with watching the kids. I was supposed to work a mandatory shift last night, but didn't end up having to work, so I took advantage of having a kid free day. I had a dentist appointment, got my hair cut, had another doctor appointment, ran to the post office, etc...all things that are impossible to accomplish with 2 kids. It was great. I did come home a few times in between appointments, for lunch and some outside play time too. At some point during the day, Rowan called Doug her 'old buddy'. Too funny. Despite being called old, he loved it!

Monday, March 19, 2012

1 year doctor appt

Well, it wouldn't be right if we didn't have an eventful doctor visit. It isn't like we were just there 3 days ago!

1 year statistics
Weight: 23 pounds (53rd percentile)
Length: 30.5 inches (72nd percentile)
Head: 46 cm (60th percentile)

Turns out, he too has an ear infection. Almost a double but not quite. So he will be starting on antibiotics just like his big sister did on friday. Not only that, but he had to get 4 shots, and have his finger poked for a hemoglobin level (it was fine 11.8) So our poor guy had a rough visit, but hopefully we will be cured before we know it.

Otherwise the visit was good. He looks good physically. He is following the growth curve, slowing down a bit, but that is normal right now. We will start giving him vitamin D milk now and weaning from sensitive formula. I am not too concerned about him not tolerating regular milk because we have been frequenting ice cream the last few weeks and he has been fine with it. The other thing that we might need to fix is the night time wakings. Eddie had a cold about a month ago and has been waking to eat during the night ever since. But the doctor said perhaps once he is well again maybe we should try to stop those mid-night wakings. We are all for that, except we don't want him screaming during the night and waking up his big sister. So we will see how that goes and what we are willing to do.

Eddie at 1 year:
*As previously mentioned, not sleeping through the night regularly
*Eating four 6 oz bottles a day, now to be milk instead of formula
*He isn't walking yet, but crawls quickly, pulls himself up and walks around furniture and with his walking toy
*Eats just about anything, no allergies to date
*Not the best with a sippy cup yet. Spits out more than he swallows half the time.
*Wearing 18 months although some is too big still, but 12 month stuff is too short, and size 4 shoes. Size 3 diapers.
*Has been in a convertible carseat since about 10 months old! He outgrew the infant seat length wise. Rear facing of course! Gonna try to stick it out until the recommended 2 years at this point.
*His newest toy love are balls! Loves to play catch/roll the ball. He throws it pretty good! And will play fetch with himself at times too!
*Takes 2 naps at day still, and doesn't seem anywhere near ready to ditch the morning nap.
Here are a few pictures from today. We were outside again today enjoying the weather. Rowan got her first road rash of the season!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gizmo is 7

Another March birthday in our household. Can't believe we have had Gizmo for 7 years. He is such a wonderful dog! I feel bad because there was a time that he was the center of our world, but Rowan and Eddie have taken over the spotlight. Luckily Gizmo is good with the kids, and the kiddos love him too. Here's to another year Gizzy!
Karen brought a treat for me for Gizmo yesterday. They have a pet boutique that makes gourmet dog treats, and I haven't found one around here, so I asked her to get some for me. Gizmo deserves a birthday treat too!

Wouldn't be complete without pictures of the kids too. Was a beautiful day, so we got some sunshine in while celebrating Gizmo's birthday too!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sock Monkey 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday to our little boy!

Here is the decor for the party! Guests arrived around 11am. We enjoyed a sub lunch, gifts, some inside and outside playtime, cupcakes, and then the birthday boy was ready for a nap.
Eddie loves him some balloons. He would have been happy with just those for the day I think. Nana found a set of monkey ears and tail. Was perfect.
There were lots of gifts, though I am not sure Eddie opened many of them. Luckily Breyson, Sawyer and Rowan were there to help. He was more entertained by the tissue paper. He got lots of trucks, some clothes, a new book (homemade by Nana), and more trucks. Very spoiled birthday boy!
The party and it's attendees. After the party festivities were complete the kids were able to play outside for a bit before heading home. It was beautiful out, but a bit windy.
We had a little mishap with the candle. Eddie touched it before we blew it out and then touched it again while it wasn't lit but still hot. So he wasn't very happy. After a little loving from Mommy, he was ready to dig in. He was a bit leary at first, but then dug right in.
It was a very nice little party. Food was good, plenty of presents, fun with friends and family, and now it's done. Not quite sure where the year has gone. My baby is growing up.

Friday, March 16, 2012

'my ear hurts'

So for the first time ever, Rowan told us last night that her ear hurt. I sort of brushed it off, but then this morning she mentioned it again a few times. When the pediatricians office just happened to call to confirm our appointment for Eddie on Monday I decided to ask if they had any openings today for Rowan. Got her in to see the PNP, and sure enough, her right ear is infected. 5 days of Zithromax, here we come! Poor girl. Shows how much she is growing up by telling us when something is wrong or hurts.

kiss me, i'm cute!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
a day early...

Had to wear our green today instead of tomorrow because we have Birthday gear to wear for the big 1st birthday party!
No green beverages for us tomorrow, because we will be partying like monkeys!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Busy Birthday Boy!

Happy 1st Birthday to our Eddie Spaghetti!

Can't believe how fast this year has gone! And the weather this year makes it even more unbelievable. Eddie sure wasn't wearing short sleeves when we brought him home last year! But he sure is enjoying it this year so far.

Here is the boy on his special day! 1 year update to come next week with his annual doctor visit!
Since the weather was so nice, I couldn't just keep the kids inside. So we took a trip to Green Bay to visit the New Zoo. It was a nice day for the kids and I, the zoo was nice enough (when you are used to the Milwaukee Zoo, it takes a lot to measure up) the price was right, and it was just big enough for a quick day trip. Rowan got to feed the giraffes, llamas, sheep and goats. She got into the smaller animals, but was a bit hesitant with the llamas and giraffes. Eddie hung out in the stroller most of the time and was quite content.
That evening we got to play outside with all the neighbors!
We ordered out some pizza with the neighbors and endulged in some dirt cake in celebration of Eddie's birthday! Eddie didn't really get into the dirt cake too much. But he was a big fan of the gummy worms on top!
The birthday boy and his big sister!
Dessert time with the Freier family!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

in full swing

Eddie is a fan of the swings yet again this year! Just like his sister.

We got to play outside with the neighbors tonight, but once the sun disappears, the temperature drops quickly, so we hung out in the Freier's garage for a short while, so Eddie tried out their Jeep. Luckily Dad found the charger to charge up our Jeep for the warmer days ahead. Hopefully Rowan will share with her little brother!