Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

More pictures of the littlest turkey. Probably the only time in his life that Eddie will wear the same onesie in one week. But we had to get our wear out of the 'turkey' shirt!

Originally it was going to be just us for the day because I have to work at 3pm. But yesterday Nana called and asked if we would have enough food for a couple more. Of course we would, Ed bought a 19# turkey! So Nana, Papa, Tulah and Monty joined us! Monty was the highlight of the day (sorry Nana and Papa), he is Dusty and Julie's new puppy, Nana and Papa were dog sitting while they are in Florida on vacation for the week. This was our first time seeing him in person. He was super cute, and Rowan loved him. She was hugging him constantly and following him, and by the end of the day was picking him up. He went for a ride in the shopping cart, wore Gizmo's Packer shirt (sure doesn't fit Giz anymore) just despite Uncle Dusty the Bears fan, and was locked in Rowan's room with her getting the Gizmo treatment. Poor guy. He was exhausted by the time they left.
Monty is a licker! Eddie got lots of kisses, thankfully someone was there to save him from the little pup. Nana and Papa have just as many grandpups as grandkids! Yikes!

The day was cut short for myself as I had to head to work at 3pm for the night. Nana and Papa headed home shortly after I left for work. And we were all able to celebrate a Packer win, again!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Oh, he is so cute! And boxers really are so tolerant of the kiddos.