Monday, November 14, 2011

8 Months Old

...or 35 weeks

Little brother and Big Sister...
Not sure what has changed in the last month? His method of getting around is rolling or stationary 360's. No crawling yet. He pushes up, but hasn't gotten the knees to cooperate as of yet. Not even army crawling. I am sure he will do it before we know it though.

Since he got his two teeth a couple weeks ago, his sleeping has been subpar. I had him at the doctor last Wednesday to have his ears looked at to make sure nothing else was going on. And they were fine. He dug some hard ear wax out but that was about it. Eddie wasn't a fan of that (nor was Rowan, she started crying right along with Eddie, such a girl) So not sure what the sleeping issue has been. He has never really slept through the night. Here and there he does but nothing consistent. He is too mobile in his crib and rolls over and loses his pacifier and needs to be plugged a few times a night.

His eating habits are about the same. 1/4 cup oatmeal/rice with half to full container of 2nd foods veggies or fruit. This weekend we let him try some mashed potatoes and jello. He seemed to like both. He isn't so into banana chunks, but loves banana in the teething contraption. That is about the extent of his food eating. Otherwise he has 3-4 bottles (6oz) a day. Is usually in bed between 730-830pm, and up between 5-6am. Two naps a day, generally 1.5-2.5 hours each.

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