Monday, September 5, 2011


We were lucky enough to be able to play at the Schuett household today. We originally had plans to spend the day with Casey today, as she was home from Florida. But we were lucky enough to visit with more than just her today.

Andi delivered her baby, Ainsley Rae, last week on August 30th, so we got to meet her too. So we (the kids and I) invaded their household (that's how it feels when the kids are done playing, a huge mess of toys all over) as did Casey and Jake, Greg and Lnan, and Great Grandma Audrey. So we got to see lots of people and visit. Like I said, the kids played, we had some pizza, played some more outside, Rowan got her 3rd haicut of her life, and then we headed home.
Both Rowan and Breyson love to play with Uncle Jake. He got stuck riding bikes with them! Such a trooper. Breyson took Rowan for many rides in his Jeep (he, unlike Rowan, knows how to steer and drive his Jeep), they even practiced their bow and arrow shooting! Eddie got spoiled like usual as well. 
Here is Rowan's haircut experience. She did a good job, but thank god for Casey cutting fast and Rowan not having much hair, because she wanted down after about 5 minutes.
Here are a few group shots. Got all the kids together, even with Great Grandma Audrey. Just the boys. Just the girls. And us Mommies too. Too bad this picture of Great Grandma Audrey and her great grandkids will only be up to date for another month! Casey will be having her baby girl in October, so we will be missing one then.

It was a relatively short visit, but much needed. So good to see everyone. Won't see Casey again until Christmas, and she will be a mommy then. Can't wait!