Monday, September 19, 2011

27 Weeks old

6 Month Stats:
Weight: 19 pounds (75th percentile)
Length: 27.5 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 45.5 cm (90th percentile)
Currently Eddie is eating soft foods at breakfast and dinner. He has 1/4 cup of oatmeal and a half container of 1st gerber fruits for breakfast, and same amounts for dinner, but he has rice cereal and a vegetable. Sometimes I will give him some fruit as a dessert and sometimes not. Depends on how hungry he seems. He continues on Similac Sensitive formula, 6 oz bottles generally, and probably about 4 times a day. Depends on what time he wakes us during the night, and how long he naps during the day.

On average, Eddie is up once during the night between 1-4am. Then he is usually up for the day between 6-730am. Breakfast around 8am, napping for first time between 9-1130am (somewhere in there), bottle, nap again somewhere between 1-4p, bottle, and dinner anytime between 5-630pm. Usually to bed between 730-830pm. Naps are usually 1-2.5 hours.

Eddie is easily rolling over both ways now. But usually he would rather be on his tummy (when awake), so if you put him on his back he will roll over to his belly fairly quickly, but not back to his back. We put him to bed on his tummy, and we find him on his back most times and unhappy when he wakes up. We are starting to work on the sitting up. He likes to pull himself to sitting when in the swing and even bouncer sometimes but generally leans too far forward when sitting on the floor. It will come before we know it. When he is on the floor on his tummy he will push up with his arms but hasn't gotten up on his knees yet, thankfully, I am not ready for a mobile baby! Eddie enjoys his time in the exersaucer and jumperoo too.

Eddie really is a super happy baby. Although the last few days he has been a bit crabby. Wondering if maybe there are some teeth coming. The doctor confirmed that his gums look like they are close.

For the most part we are wearing 9, 6-12 or 12 month clothing. One piece items are definitely 12 months. We can still do some 9 month stuff in tops and bottoms, but not many. Things are too short! Size 3 diapers. Just outgrew size 2 shoes (the one pair he had!)

1 comment:

Tammy Sue said...

getting to be a big dude. so cute too.