Thursday, September 29, 2011

rubber ducky

Eddie got his new bathtub finally, and man it is better. He can sit by himself and it is much more fun for all involved. He splashes and grabs and soaks like a pro!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

monkey girls

We were at Monkey Joe's tonight for McKenna's birthday party. She turns 3 on Friday! It was just Rowan, McKenna and another little girl for the 'party', which was enough to keep track of. And luckily it wasn't busy at all being it was a weeknight. It was perfect. The girls got to play for about 2 1/2 hours, and that was plenty! Rowan was hesitant at first, but once I sent her down by herself, she was fine from then on! She loved it! She was talking about going back when we were in the car on our way home!
Kendall and Eddie got a little bounce time themselves! Or just ate ones feet, whatever keeps you busy!

drool monster

...he would chew on everything if we let him!

Monday, September 26, 2011

lil' piggies

It's rare to get a picture of these lil things not moving. And since I got the bottom half, I clearly wasn't able to get the top half not moving. Take what you can get!

28 Weeks Old

Eddie's week is better this week, a bit? The teeth are still coming, I think? But he also developed a fever after his immunizations last week, the flu vaccine was the probable cause as he hasn't had any reactions previously, but a few doses of Tylenol and he was fixed. Just make for a steamy long night! You would never believe that he has had many more grumpy moments lately! 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

full speed ahead

Ed was brave enough to pull the pin and let Rowan drive her jeep full speed today. Sadly enough, she did a better job of steering it going fast than she does slow! She only took Gizmo out a few times, and ran over one gutter. Room for improvement! She loves it! She has a devilish grin on her face in the bottom right hand picture, sort of scary!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

1st Artwork Project

The first few days of school the theme was 'A is for Apple'. And this is the first piece of artwork our little Picaso brought home! So many more to come!

Monday, September 19, 2011

27 Weeks old

6 Month Stats:
Weight: 19 pounds (75th percentile)
Length: 27.5 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 45.5 cm (90th percentile)
Currently Eddie is eating soft foods at breakfast and dinner. He has 1/4 cup of oatmeal and a half container of 1st gerber fruits for breakfast, and same amounts for dinner, but he has rice cereal and a vegetable. Sometimes I will give him some fruit as a dessert and sometimes not. Depends on how hungry he seems. He continues on Similac Sensitive formula, 6 oz bottles generally, and probably about 4 times a day. Depends on what time he wakes us during the night, and how long he naps during the day.

On average, Eddie is up once during the night between 1-4am. Then he is usually up for the day between 6-730am. Breakfast around 8am, napping for first time between 9-1130am (somewhere in there), bottle, nap again somewhere between 1-4p, bottle, and dinner anytime between 5-630pm. Usually to bed between 730-830pm. Naps are usually 1-2.5 hours.

Eddie is easily rolling over both ways now. But usually he would rather be on his tummy (when awake), so if you put him on his back he will roll over to his belly fairly quickly, but not back to his back. We put him to bed on his tummy, and we find him on his back most times and unhappy when he wakes up. We are starting to work on the sitting up. He likes to pull himself to sitting when in the swing and even bouncer sometimes but generally leans too far forward when sitting on the floor. It will come before we know it. When he is on the floor on his tummy he will push up with his arms but hasn't gotten up on his knees yet, thankfully, I am not ready for a mobile baby! Eddie enjoys his time in the exersaucer and jumperoo too.

Eddie really is a super happy baby. Although the last few days he has been a bit crabby. Wondering if maybe there are some teeth coming. The doctor confirmed that his gums look like they are close.

For the most part we are wearing 9, 6-12 or 12 month clothing. One piece items are definitely 12 months. We can still do some 9 month stuff in tops and bottoms, but not many. Things are too short! Size 3 diapers. Just outgrew size 2 shoes (the one pair he had!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Go Pack Go

Today was our first Packer game watching of the season as a family. And Aunt Amanda was here to watch with us too! She came up yesterday and spent the night last night and will again tonight. We have spent the weekend doing puzzles and playdough! A bit chilly outside at times so we tried to stay in, not always easy with Rowan who loves the outdoors!
The new Packers jerseys for the kids from Karen and Doug!
We had quite the unhealthy spread of snacks for the game too! Bacon wrapped weenies, chili cheese dip and chips, brownies, apple crisp, and cheesy potatoes! Delish!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

basement ceiling

Ed rented a drywall lift today from True Value in order to put the drywall up on the ceiling without assistance. It worked much better than I did when he asked me to help in the bedroom in the basement.

Friday, September 16, 2011

packer visit

Karen and Doug came today to visit, and came bearing Packer gear for the kids! We played inside and outside. Had Panera bagels for breakfast, and Culver's for lunch. We were very spoiled. Grace stopped by for a bit today too. She was in town staying with a friend and came by to see us and bring Eddie his own blanket (Rowan sort of stole his that she sent before he was born and has claimed it as hers ever since).
Pictures to come after the Packer game this weekend of the new gear!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

6 Months Old

Stats and update to come Monday after doctor visit!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3K Preschool

Our baby girl started preschool today! She is going to the Neenah YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 830a-11a. Today went better than I was expecting. Ed surprised us and showed up to join us for the 1st day dropoff. There were surprisingly no tears (from Rowan). Some other kids were sad and we got out of the classroom before Rowan had the chance to decide she was sad! Mom on the other hand was tearing up as I walked out the door!

And when I picked her up, she was so happy and had so much fun. She talked the whole way home about what they did, what was snack, etc. She told the teacher when she had to go potty. No accidents. That was my one fear, that I would walk into wet pants. But not Rowan! We are so proud of her!

I will say, the drop off and pick up really screwed up Eddie's morning nap though! Oh well, he is pretty flexible!

Sidenote: Today was the day we could smell the burning from the MN wildfire, and Rowan thought it was so smelly. She kept holding her nose! That is what she is doing in the picture of her and Eddie!

Monday, September 12, 2011

caught her....barely

26 Weeks old

Where oh where has the time gone? My baby boy is almost 6 months old. Such a smiley boy, although a bit crabby lately. I think the teeth might be on their way?

the children

Apparently Eddie likes any toes, don't have to be his own! Silly kids!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FaLl WeEkEnD...

We had a fun weekend in Lyndon Station with Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill. The boys went golfing Saturday while us ladies n Eddie went shopping. Then headed home for lunch and playtime outside. Grandma and Grandpa got a swingset from a friend for the kids, so they finally got to break that in a little bit. The weather was perfect. Warmed up during the day and cooled off at night. The doggies got to play and enjoy themselves as well! We headed home after breakfast on Sunday so we could relax and watch some football!
We had a few intense games of Jenga on Saturday night too. Nice to be able to be outside and not get eaten alive. Although those darn mosquitos aren't quite gone yet! Hopefully soon!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Shrimp

Rowan had her first swim lesson as a 'shrimp' tonight! It is the first class without a parent! And she did great! She listened to the teacher great and even told them when she had to go potty! She did a lot of waving to mom and dad while we watched too! Too cute!

Monday, September 5, 2011

25 Weeks Old


We were lucky enough to be able to play at the Schuett household today. We originally had plans to spend the day with Casey today, as she was home from Florida. But we were lucky enough to visit with more than just her today.

Andi delivered her baby, Ainsley Rae, last week on August 30th, so we got to meet her too. So we (the kids and I) invaded their household (that's how it feels when the kids are done playing, a huge mess of toys all over) as did Casey and Jake, Greg and Lnan, and Great Grandma Audrey. So we got to see lots of people and visit. Like I said, the kids played, we had some pizza, played some more outside, Rowan got her 3rd haicut of her life, and then we headed home.
Both Rowan and Breyson love to play with Uncle Jake. He got stuck riding bikes with them! Such a trooper. Breyson took Rowan for many rides in his Jeep (he, unlike Rowan, knows how to steer and drive his Jeep), they even practiced their bow and arrow shooting! Eddie got spoiled like usual as well. 
Here is Rowan's haircut experience. She did a good job, but thank god for Casey cutting fast and Rowan not having much hair, because she wanted down after about 5 minutes.
Here are a few group shots. Got all the kids together, even with Great Grandma Audrey. Just the boys. Just the girls. And us Mommies too. Too bad this picture of Great Grandma Audrey and her great grandkids will only be up to date for another month! Casey will be having her baby girl in October, so we will be missing one then.

It was a relatively short visit, but much needed. So good to see everyone. Won't see Casey again until Christmas, and she will be a mommy then. Can't wait!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

the end

This day marks probably the last hot day of summer, and documents this adorable outfit of Rowan's. I got this outfit last year for this summer, but potty training put a damper on wearing it since you have to take the entire outfit down from the top to go potty. But today I decided to deal with it so that it got worn at least once. It is too cute. This also shows how long and curly this princess's hair is. She is getting it cut in the next few days as Aunt Casey is going to be home!

just kidding

So I took this picture yesterday thinking it would remind me of when Eddie got his first tooth. I swear there was a tooth sprouted through the gum yesterday. There was the smallest white spot on his bottom gums that would not wipe away. It was too small to feel rough, but it was noticable long enough for me to show Ed when he got home from work, but today, it is gone! So apparently it wasn't a tooth? Or the gums covered it back up? So we continue toothless!