Wednesday, August 31, 2011

standard evening in Neenah

Hard to believe that tomorrow is September. Not sure what we are going to do when these two girls can't get out and play together in the evening before bedtime. Today they had their Jeeps out, scarily. Neither of them has mastered the concept of steering them. So it takes extreme watching when they are in action.

The bees have been out in action lately too. So we spent the night killing them, and the girls had to evaluate them everytime one went down.
And the men do their fair share of gossiping while us ladies tend to the little ones. Might as well have a beer in hand while doing so. Not looking forward to the cold weather that isn't too far away. Hoping we can get that basement finished so that we can still play with our neigbor friends when we can't be outside.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

messy messy

Well, we have moved on to Peaches this week! So far so good with all the veggies and fruits we have tried. No allergies anyway. So to date Eddie has had sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, bananas and peaches. We have applesauce and pears on the agenda for the next couple weeks. Finally found some boy bibs, although I'm not so impressed, they shrunk quite significantly!

Monday, August 29, 2011

our visitor

Aunt Amanda has off on Mondays right now, so she came up for the day to visit. She brought a new game for Rowan (Don't break the Ice), so they spent some time in the morning playing that. Then we took her to the outlet mall in OshKosh. Then we headed home for some lunch and playtime outside before nap! After nap we played some more before dinner and then Amanda headed home! We love it when she comes to play!

another meek attempt

24 weeks old


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Grand Rounds

So, the original plan for this weekend started with attending my cousins graduation and confirmation parties on Sunday in Waukesha. But then things just kept getting added on, which resulted in a full weekend in the Delafield/Pewaukee area!

Then next thing that we added being that we were going to be in town on Sunday, was a meeting with the Pastor at Galilee Lutheran Church (as preparation for Eddie's baptism in October). And then that required us to attend church Sunday morning as well. Then Papa invited Ed to golf in an outing on Saturday, so we decided to go down on Saturday and spend the night in order to make it for all of our plans on Sunday.

So we left home around 10am on Saturday (when Ed got home from work). Stopped at Nana and Papa's house to drop off Gizmo and Ed for golf. Then the kids and I headed to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for a visit. We spent the afternoon there mostly outside. Rowan got half in the pool before deciding it was too cold. Drew with chalk, and was taught hop scotch by Grandma and Amanda, oh and can't forget the bubbles too! Rowan watched a movie on and off with Aunt Amanda (hoping she would nap, but that didn't happen) Eddie just hung out with us, took a nap and was his good little self like usual.

After all of that fun, we headed back to Nana and Papa's for dinner. Ordered some pizza and hung out. It was early to bed since Rowan didn't nap and we were needing to be at church at 9am.

Church went well. I was a little nervous with 2 kids there and it was really their first time ever. And they both did well. Eddie occassionally screamed out (just his talking scream, not mad) but it was fine. And Rowan sat relatively still. Read some books, had a sucker or two, a few trips to the bathroom and water fountain and before you knew it, the service was over. And luckily we only had to meet with Pastor Elias for about 15 minutes. There was another family meeting with him too, and they had a 3 year old and a baby as well. Needless to say, he could barely hear himself talk. But we accomplished what was needed and then we were off.

We made a few stops at a few stores.
A brief visit by Karen and Doug.
And then it was off to the Graduation/Confirmation Party. We stayed for a few hours, visited with some family, shared our kids (a lot of these people we only see a couple times a year) had some lunch, watched some planes fly overhead (it was the Waukesha Air Show today too) and then we were on our way home!
It was a busy weekend with great weather and great company.

Monday, August 22, 2011


never to be left out...

23 Weeks Old

Week after week, the time just flies by! Not too much new to report this week. We have started to incorporate rice/fruit for breakfast. He has had bananas so far, and peaches are next on the list. Next week. As you can see, everything goes in the mouth, fingers and feet included! Still such a happy boy.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

the basement continues...

Papa was here this weekend to help Ed with the electrical in the basement. Now we have a ton of lighting to accomodate all of our needs. So thankful for Papa's help. It was a long day and a half for the guys, but it is pretty much done. Ed has a few last minute things to do before we have the inspector come out so that we can move on to drywall.

Other pictures show the 'walls' Ed has put up to create the hallway, closet, bathroom and storage areas. It is really coming together and starting to look like something.

Friday, August 19, 2011

5 years later....

....and we are living in our first home, in Neenah, with a 3 year old and a 5 month old!

Top right picture is a perfect example of how life is tolerated these days, stroller with children, bottle of wine accompanying a bottle of formula! So we didn't go out and get crazy on our 5 year anniversary, but we had a relaxing night at home as a family while our kids played with the neighbor friends. Us as well!

Here is Eddie and Kendall hanging out in the stroller while their high maintenance big sisters swim, swing, ride bikes and run around. They make life look so simple and easy!

chew chew chew

No teeth yet, but they can't be far away!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

flappin' like his sister

When Rowan was Eddie's age, she used to flap her arms when she was laying on her tummy, and he has started to fly just like her! Was able to catch a few gummy smiles today too. Too bad Rowan picked out his outfit today (he wore it earlier in the week) because we have a lot of pictures in this outfit in the last week! Oh well!

last class

Rowan has offically graduated to the Shrimp class. She will now swim without one of us! It's sort of sad! But she is totally ready. Definitely more advanced than all of her current class.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

feet for dinner?

So, since Eddie has been eating the rice and/or oatmeal better, along with veggies, why not throw some toes into the mix too! Guess we might have to graduate to a different seat for eating in! One where we don't recline as much and can't get our feet so high! He just pays attention more in the bouncy seat than the bumbo, and it makes for easier clean up!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

the growth

Yesterday, the kids and I went swimming with the Frier's over by their grandparents pool. Although the girls didn't swim very long. The water was a bit colder this time, and it wasn't super hot and humid (especially in the shade) so they were only in the water a few minutes, thus the lack of pictures. And then they were freezing, so they got dressed pretty quickly.

So we had a picnic lunch and Rowan and McKenna played around the little pond looking at the giant goldfish. BIG MISTAKE! Rowan was attacked by mosquitos! In the middle of the day! She had just been healing up from her last attack, and now she has another 10+ bites!
And this is what she looked like when she woke up this morning. Massive growth between her eyes! Luckily it wasn't red like they sometimes can get. But it was so puffy it wasn't even funny. And this is the evening after much of the swelling had gone down! Poor thing!

Monday, August 15, 2011

new favorite

Ffinally, a picture where they are both looking at the camera, and smiling! Love It!
And of course, all the outtakes! Some cute ones in there too!

5 Months aka 22 weeks

It feels like yesterday I was saying Eddie was 4 months old, and another month has flown by already. Technically he was 5 months old yesterday, but I worked until 730pm last night and didn't have time to get his picture, so today will do!

It seems like so much has changed in the last month too. Although, really not much has. He has really taken to the rice and oatmeal eating, as long as a veggie is involved. He has had a week or sweet potatos and we have moved on to carrots now. So far so good with the two of them.

Eddie doesn't roll over in public! But we put him to sleep on his tummy, and when we get him up, he is on his back smiling away. So he only rolls over in private apparently. I am sure that will change soon though. He is quite the giggle monster. He loves it when we sing the ABC's to him. I have started calling him Eddie spaghetti, and Rowan has caught on to it too! So when you ask her what his name is, she says, "eddie sketti"!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's a beautiful day!

We were outside this morning enjoying the sun with no humidity! We even have our doors and windows open again! It is so great to air out the house!

McKenna was home with her mommy today, so us ladies (and Eddie too) got to enjoy a few hours outside! It was great. The girls did some swinging, and sliding. And then played for awhile with their dolls too! And of course they had some snacks. The usual around these parts are cheese sticks, fruit (grapes today), and popsicles! A well rounded lunch it turned out to be!
Excuse the food in the mouth in these pictures. But if I didn't catch the moment quick it would have been over and missed!

P.S. I haven't posted on the same day as taking a picure in years! I am proud of myself!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So, whatcha doin?

While we were outside enjoying some swinging time, Rowan was chattin' on the phone! Too funny, when she talks on the phone (real time or play time) she says, "Sooooo...whatca doin?" It is entirely too cute! She only wants to talk on her terms though!

Monday, August 8, 2011

tastin' better?

Eddie doesn't seem to be gagging quite as much with the rice/oatmeal, but still isn't wanting to gobble it all up! He definitely prefers it to be warmer. I've even tried sweet potatoes with the rice/oatmeal to see if it is texture or taste! I think it is taste! We are still working on it, not usually every day!