Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rowan's long lost friend...

This weekend we took a trip to Moline for Ben's Surprise 30th Birthday party. So we got to catch up with much of the Smith Family. We left Saturday morning to make it just in time for the surprise, Rowan got to run around with the kids and play video games with Papa and Uncle Dusty, she even got to share some cake with Uncle Ted!

Sydney was there too, her long lost cousin/friend. They were super cute together, they are only a couple months apart, Sydney was born in September! Rowan started to show some signs of misbehaving when Sydney had that really cool snack cup that Rowan wanted in her possession at all times. We are officially in the starting to learn how to share stage! There were no major scuffles. All the kids got to run around and play at Papa and Grandma Jan's house after the party. Rowan had a rough night because she only had one nap and went to bed late, so she woke up a few times during the night and was up for the day on Sunday before 6am! But we all survived. It was worth it!

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