Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Came...

Well, Santa was good to us all this year. Rowan had us up at 6am sharp, not that she had a clue that the man in red had left her more presents, but she was up at her earliest. We continued with our usual daily routine, bottle of milk, some tv in mom and dad's bed, and then ventured downstairs. Dad was actually in more of a hurry to get downstairs because he wanted to see how Rowan reacted to the gifts!

She was excited as always, and had no problem opening as many gifts as possible, whether they were her own or not.

Her big ticket item this year was a play kitchen. Along with a tent and tunnel. She seems to be into all of them, but always wants mom and dad to climb through the tunnel too, and dad's shoulders are too wide, and mom barely fits through. So it can be interesting.

Hard to believe her 2nd Christmas is over already, and she loved it so much. Not sure we will be sad about saying goodbye to The Grinch Movie though, we had a bit of overkill of that show this year.

1 comment:

jenna and ryan said...

I would love to see some pics of Eddie going through the tunnel!!