Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gingerbread House Contest...

After Monkey Joe's we stopped at Ceriello's in Delafield where they had free Gingerbread house decorating a few weekends in December. We decided to stop and make a couple houses, but didn't leave them for the actual judging and contest because the kids didn't end up being so interested in the decorating, so we took them home for our own contest.

Our judge was Uncle Dusty. We didn't tell him who made which one (Ed and I made one, and Molly made one/Blayne didn't help much until the end) Even with Molly already having made a house this year, we managed to win! We were pretty proud of our house! Rowan lost interest really fast, and was distracted by Papa after we found her putting candy in the wrapper in her mouth! Kieran was more interested in eating all the M&M's than the actual decorating too! The kids were fading fast, so it was off to home to eat some lunch and take naps!

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