Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Virus? Teeth? Who Knows....

Rowan has been quite the little beast the last few days. It started friday, with a whiney girl, unhappy with everything. Runny nose. Crying with pacifier in her mouth constantly. Nothing made her happy, except being outside. And the weather wasn't exactly stellar to be spending hours and hours outside. Needless to say, this carried into Saturday and Sunday.

Thankfully she was pretty good when we went to my dad's house for dinner on Saturday night. She was pretty well entertained for a couple hours, then the melt down started again. Sunday morning we took her out for breakfast to entertain her, and that was quite the quick meal. We were thankful that Hawk and Linda happened to be dining at the same time, so Linda took her outside when she was done eating to entertain her so that we could finish our meal!

Then the sleeping started! Sunday she napped from 10-230pm, 4 1/2 hours! Amazing. I had to check on her around 1pm to be sure she was still breathing. Of course we had planned to run some errands after her morning nap, and that is why is lasted forever. Then last night, she was in bed at 7pm (normal for her) and wasn't up yet when I got home this morning from work. She got up at 830am, unheard of!

On top of the whining, crying, runny nose, unhappy, terrible eater for the last 4 days, I noticed a rash on her chest and abdomen yesterday, and it was worse this morning, so I called the Pediatrician. They said it was probably a virus and should go away in a couple of days. It is very hard being a nurse, because you hesitate taking your children to the doctor, in hopes you aren't missing something major. I think the rash is looking better tonight already, but we will see.
So I am not sure what my poor baby girl's issue has been the last few days, but we want our Rowan back! She has been better, but definitely not 100% yet. I will keep you posted. I did manage to get some pictures of her outside playing today, but haven't uploaded yet. Maybe tomorrow!

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