Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Luncheon...

Today we had lunch at Karen and Doug's house with the Blodgett family. My Mom and Bill and my grandparents were in town for an extended family wedding, so we all got together on Sunday before everyone headed home.

Rowan always seems to receive a new toy or outfit whenever we stop to visit any family. This weekend she got a Mickey Mouse from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa, and a new Packer dress from Karen and Doug (they had bought her one last fall, which of course she has outgrown)!

She was quite the ham entertaining everyone. She decided to sit in her bucket of toys, was looking out the window constantly at the cars and people going by. And of course, got plenty of people to read to her. She had a blast. We enjoyed lunch and the 1st half of the Packer game and then headed home for naptime!

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