Monday, September 28, 2009

Trick or Treat is coming...

I can't believe Halloween is right around the corner! Here is Rowan's trick or treat basket, for all the candy she will get and won't be able to eat. The only candy she really eats on occassion are M&M's, hint, hint...

Nana is making Rowan's halloween costume this year. She is going to be super cute. Guess you will have to stay tuned for the reveal of the Little Stinker!

The Blog in a Book...

Since I haven't had the time or energy to take up scrapbooking since Rowan was born, I decided to print Rowan's 1st Year in a book from the blog. My sister-in-law told me about a great website where you can transfer your blog into a book. It was a tedious and time consuming task, but I think it was well worth it. So far I have only done Rowan's 1st Year, but I think the next one will just be a family book from her 1st birthday and on. We will see. It was well worth the money and time, Rowan even enjoyed looking at it. But she isn't allowed to read it without help, I don't want it to look like her Dog Book!

Big girl in the Tub...

I have finally given Rowan freedom in the bathtub and gotten rid of the bath seat. It has come to the point where she has been trying to climb out of the seat and getting stuck in it the wrong way, so now she has the entire tub at her disposal. Now she has to learn that she can't stand in the tub, it freaks me out! It will get better, and she loves it! She loves to drink the water too, you would think she never gets anything to drink during the day.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ball Pit...

Nana and Papa found Rowan a new toy at a rummage sale just down the court! Balls! The price was right, and since the weather isn't right for the swimming pool anymore, what better a place to put the balls! So now we have added a swimming pool full of balls to the living room! Nana and Papa were having just as much fun with the new toy as Rowan was. Why not read a book in the ball pit too! Such a multi-tasker!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Luncheon...

Today we had lunch at Karen and Doug's house with the Blodgett family. My Mom and Bill and my grandparents were in town for an extended family wedding, so we all got together on Sunday before everyone headed home.

Rowan always seems to receive a new toy or outfit whenever we stop to visit any family. This weekend she got a Mickey Mouse from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa, and a new Packer dress from Karen and Doug (they had bought her one last fall, which of course she has outgrown)!

She was quite the ham entertaining everyone. She decided to sit in her bucket of toys, was looking out the window constantly at the cars and people going by. And of course, got plenty of people to read to her. She had a blast. We enjoyed lunch and the 1st half of the Packer game and then headed home for naptime!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lunch and the Park...

Today we had lunch at Water Street Brewery with Great Grandma Knutson, Andrea and Breyson. Then after lunch we headed to the park for a short while. It was short because it was warmer out than we thought and the kids were hot. Great Grandma didn't join us, she had plans with the neighbor at home in the afternoon. Hope to see her again next week before she heads back home to Florida!

Love this...

Rowan was dancing to this song when the Black Eyed Peas sang at the NFL kickoff party! Super cute! Wish I would have gotten a video of her dancing too!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A birthday party...

Yesterday we attended Maison's 2nd birthday party at Wirth park. It was a quaint little party, with good snacks and subs, and a park of course. What isn't more fun for a little girl? Rowan managed to get some alone time with Maison's new cars and trucks. It is amazing how new things entertain her so! She even helped Maison taste the frosting on his cake, in addition to eating a piece herself, messy messy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Zoo time...

Today we met Andrea and Breyson at the zoo! It was a beautiful day, and the zoo was empty with all the kids back in school! This was the first time we have let Rowan and Breyson walk around and look, mostly just inside, but they had so much fun running together. I had wanted to take Rowan's wagon to the zoo today, but since it was very sunny and warm, we opted for the stroller with a canopy to block the sun and heat. Perhaps if we make it back to the zoo before it gets too cold, we can take the wagon, otherwise there is next year!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

14 Months Old...

Feels like just yesterday I was planning Rowan's 1st Birthday party, and now 2 months has come and gone.

You can see some of the things she has been up to! Standing on things she shouldn't, climbing on chairs, steps, you name it. She is a bit sassy, but darn cute. And loves to be outside!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Reading with Dad...

This is how I found Ed reading to Rowan tonight after dinner. She is so silly.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lyndon Station...

We spent Labor Day weekend in Lyndon Station with Grandma and Grandpa Bremberger! The weather and trip were great.

We left Friday night at Rowan's bedtime, and she managed to stay awake the entire ride, we couldn't believe it. She then stayed up until 930pm, without fussing, and slept the entire night in her pack n play. Impressive. Then Saturday, Dad and Grandpa Bill went golfing while we went shopping with Grandma Pam. We met at home for some lunch and a nap. Then out for an amazing dinner at Field's in the Dells. Pricey, but delicious! Not really a place to children, but Rowan was pretty well behaved!

Saturday night, Grandpa Bill brought out the Harley for Rowan to explore.
And then Sunday she got to play on the 4 wheeler a little bit. She was all smiles with her slow ride around the yard. Of course Daddy took a ride too!
Then Sunday we had lunch with Ron and Elaine and visited a bit and then headed home. Rowan slept most of the ride home due to no morning nap. Needless to say, it was a nice weekend. We came home to relax on monday as I had to head back to work monday night!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rowan's Table...

Papa and Daddy were drawing with Rowan at her table. Good thing her Ikea table is heavy duty, it managed to hold them all. They were cute drawing together with Rowan's big crayons.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sunny day at the park...

Since I managed to get off of work last night at 1130pm, and Rowan has seemed to be feeling a little bit better, we decided to go by the Desai household to play. Had I worked all night, Lisa would have been watching her for me, and her children tend to miss Rowan's entertainment, which is why we decided to go for lunch and some much needed play time.

We started in their backyard where Rowan played in the sandbox, and loved it. And surprisingly didn't eat any sand. This was her first true sandbox experience. She played with Maison's (neighbor boy) bucket of sand last week, and decided to see how it tasted. Apparently she realized it wasn't very tasty!
Then we headed to the neighborhood park to play. It was a bit warmer out than we thought, so we didn't stay too long, but the kids had fun. Poor Mason took a few diggers and had a rough ride home, but we all survivied. After playing hard, we had popples and then headed home for nap time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Outside Girl...

With Rowan being sick, the only thing that has made her happy was to be outside playing constantly. She has also become a dirty girl, playing with mulch, and rocks and dirt. Not sure where that came from. But here she is playing and happy despite feeling like dirt!

Virus? Teeth? Who Knows....

Rowan has been quite the little beast the last few days. It started friday, with a whiney girl, unhappy with everything. Runny nose. Crying with pacifier in her mouth constantly. Nothing made her happy, except being outside. And the weather wasn't exactly stellar to be spending hours and hours outside. Needless to say, this carried into Saturday and Sunday.

Thankfully she was pretty good when we went to my dad's house for dinner on Saturday night. She was pretty well entertained for a couple hours, then the melt down started again. Sunday morning we took her out for breakfast to entertain her, and that was quite the quick meal. We were thankful that Hawk and Linda happened to be dining at the same time, so Linda took her outside when she was done eating to entertain her so that we could finish our meal!

Then the sleeping started! Sunday she napped from 10-230pm, 4 1/2 hours! Amazing. I had to check on her around 1pm to be sure she was still breathing. Of course we had planned to run some errands after her morning nap, and that is why is lasted forever. Then last night, she was in bed at 7pm (normal for her) and wasn't up yet when I got home this morning from work. She got up at 830am, unheard of!

On top of the whining, crying, runny nose, unhappy, terrible eater for the last 4 days, I noticed a rash on her chest and abdomen yesterday, and it was worse this morning, so I called the Pediatrician. They said it was probably a virus and should go away in a couple of days. It is very hard being a nurse, because you hesitate taking your children to the doctor, in hopes you aren't missing something major. I think the rash is looking better tonight already, but we will see.
So I am not sure what my poor baby girl's issue has been the last few days, but we want our Rowan back! She has been better, but definitely not 100% yet. I will keep you posted. I did manage to get some pictures of her outside playing today, but haven't uploaded yet. Maybe tomorrow!