Monday, August 10, 2009

Contact dermatitis...Again!...

So, yesterday afternoon, before we left my dad's house, my right eyebrow was starting to itch. There seemed to be a rash starting, but I didn't really think anything of it. Then as the evening went on, it continued to itch, and I would occassionally scratch. I put some Benadryl cream on it before going to bed, and managed to wake up this morning with my right eye half swollen shut. Interesting.

I called and was able to get into the doctor (if I wasn't supposed to work tonight, I wouldn't have gone to the doctor, would have waited it out another day) So after being the the office waiting for the doctor for 1 hour total from the time I walked in the door, she diagnosed it as contact dermatitis, prescribed some heavy duty hydrocortisone cream and told me to take zyrtec for a few days. If it isn't better within 24 hours she will give me an oral steroid. What a waste of my time and money, but Ed also insisted that I go. Now it has been 15 hours since I woke up this morning, and I don't think it has changed. It looks pretty nasty, at least my vision isn't affected, other than a droopy eyelid. Needless to say, I took an extra night of rest and relaxation. Not that I am relaxing, there is always too many things to do once the baby is in bed.

Another post with no pictures, sorry!


Cora said...

I want a picture of the eye! boooo...boring blog.

Lisa said...

I agree, I want pictures!