Thursday, August 20, 2009

Playdate with Breyson...

Rowan and I had lunch with Andrea, Breyson and Crystal today, and did some severe playing and book reading! It appears as though both Rowan and Breyson are very into books these days. They don't exactly care what the book is about, but they will bring you a book and want to sit on your lap and flip through it, hearing a word here or there, and then they are done. Too cute.

They play very well together. Honestly, they do there own thing, occassionally the same activity at the same time, but rarely. So far neither of them really has an issue with sharing, so far was the key word in that statement. It is so fun to see them together!
Rowan had some issues with her diaper and pants today, her crack made an appearance more than necessary. She will hate me for this picture when she is older!

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