Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1 Year Stats...

Rowan was at the pediatrician today for her 1 year check-up...

Weight: 19 pounds 13.5 ounces (35th percentile)
Length: 29 1/2 inches (75th percentile)

2 immunizations...still makes me well up with tears...but yet, when I give immunizations at work to other babies, it really doesn't bother me, it doesn't make sense?

They also did a blood test (finger prick) for Iron and Lead levels. Her Hgb was 11.4 (they want it greater than 11), and her lead level was 3.5. Supposedly they consider less than 5 negative for lead. But, the pediatrician said he usually sees 0, given the area and what not. So we were brainstorming why she would have any in her blood? All we could come up with is the paint from our previous residence? I may have to do some further research on this. But ultimately, it is fine. We will recheck it in 3 months to be sure it is down, or gone. Usually they just remove the source (which we have already done, since we have moved!), and beyond that they would send us to the hospital to have a real blood sample drawn, because apparently skin flora can contaminate the level and essentially give you a false number. And if it was still elevated, then there is some sort of treatment, but I don't think we will get that far!

So now it is on to Vitamin D/Whole Milk, no more formula!!! And before we know it, no more bottles hopefully. I really have had my fair share of washing bottles! Perhaps if she would learn to hold it herself, I wouldn't mind them so bad either!

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